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Comment Moo (Score 1) 1

That reminds me of the The Invisible Gorilla and change blindness. They had a writeup somewhere about a cop who beat up a black officer (killed him?) when chasing another black. He claimed he thought his co-officer was the bad guy. He was convicted. But, the TIG guys wanted to explain it as change blindness as everything the guy said fits in with the theory.

Not saying that is what happened here. But, there might be something similar going on, at least in part.

Comment Re:On fundamentalists (Score 1) 13

I hope i am not making judgement calls in the JE. I just wanted to convey my state of mind.

I would have expected a high correlation between the the Conservative Dress bucket and Non-Believers bucket. Though, i guess that is more likely due to my own background.

I also wonder about that cursing thing. She was scared of me thinking i might curse her. Where did that even come from?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Chronicle: New girl on the block oddity. 13

My apartment's building is one of many around a circle. That is, the circle is surrounded by a square of lots, with apartment buildings on all four sides. As it so happens, i am now in my third apartment there, and on a third side.

Comment Re:It is good verbally (Score 1) 4

In this case, it is not so much that it is of interest to the reader, but that is lends support to the argument. Or, better put, it doesn't disagree with the argument and has a peculiar form that would make sense according to the argument.


On a completely unrelated side note, out of the multitudinous typos in the earlier drafts of this reply, i typed "ithe" in place of "with the". When i replaced the missing "w" and had "withe", i thought that was a pretty cool contraction.

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