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Comment Re-ORG'd Microsoft? (Score 1) 400

What is that? It sounds like some kind of joint venture between Microsoft and the Church of Scientology.

I can see it now:
Free Personality Tests (Mac personality, Linux, or PC personality)
Auditing your computer to rid it of malware
Steve Ballmer jumping up and down on Oprah's sofa while chanting "developers, developers..."
Windows 8, now with integrated OT Level 8!

Comment Re:Normal distribution (Score 1) 181

I thought, yes, normal, but skewed, but it is really an artifact of the categories that were chosen.
  The central category, since there's an odd number, should be really neutral, but it is in fact "leaning toward messy", whereas the *actually neutral* category "neither especially" is to the 'neat' side of the center.

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