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Comment Re:B-52 can carry 20 missiles 5,000 miles, maintai (Score 1) 190

> A former co-worker of mine worked on designing a drone that can be dropped from the B-52. The earlier comment was pretty accurate - the B-52 is the pickup truck of the air, very versatile and conservatively inexpensive.

The B-52 has a track record with drones already. One of them was modified to carry and launch the Lockheed D-21 after a fatal accident with an M-21 (The M-12 was a Blackbird/Oxcart platform). The D-21 was horrendously expensive for what in practice was a disposable drone (ballistic recovery usually failed) so it was discontinued after four (disclosed) operational missions but it was capable (considering the state of technology at the time - it relied on intertional navigation since it was pre-GPS and even pre-Loran) for surveillance once they resolved the launch issues but was a logistical nightmare. It was just cheaper and more reliable to send manned aircraft (Oxcart and Blackbird, or the cheaper to operate U-2 in less risky regions) over areas of interest.

Comment Re:Flight time 1 hour (Score 1) 160

Great. Now all we need is a 5200'+ airstrip every 60 miles or so along flight corridors. I wonder how long it will take to get to Seattle then? Let's see, preflight, wait in line for ATC to give the go ahead to take off. . . at every stop, not to mention anywhere from 12 to 20 hours to recharge the cells. Multiply that by about 45. Hmm, I think I'll take a train instead. I'll get there days more quickly!

I think teleportation will be a reality by the time battery tech enables heavies to fly cross country.

Comment Good luck! (Score 1) 7

Yeah /. has gone downhill and it doesn't help that many veteran users who actually post something other than nonsense are leaving. I'd say you'll be missed but /. seems to be degenerating pretty quickly. :-(

Comment Re:Weather control (Score 1) 178

> No, it isn't. Weather occurs in the troposphere [windows2universe.org], the layer of the atmosphere closest to the earth, extending up to between 7 - 20 km above ground level. About 80% of the mass of the atmosphere is here.

That's what they want you to think.
*adjusts tinfoil hat* ;)

It's saddening that people really think this is a "death ray" or some other BS. It's the same sort of person who thinks that contrails = chemtrails, that the oil industry has bought patents to cars that "run on water" to keep them secret (um, patents are publicly disclosed, people!) and murdered the inventors, and that magnet motors are practical "free energy" sources rather than just an interesting toy. I have a few friends who think these things and no amount of science-based evidence will convince them otherwise. I'm apparently "closed minded" because I like the scientific method.

Comment Re:Cloud needs server huggers (Score 4, Informative) 409

If you can manage to get a link to a "cloud server" where the SLOWEST link to the server meets or exceeds 1Gbps for small businesses (with 30ms or less latency) , and you can get 10Gbps or faster (and bond multiple links to expand bandwidth further) for larger organizations, AND have daily backups in easily-migrated formats stored in escrow by the cloud provider in the event that the government raids and confiscates servers because some drug cartel or "piracy" ring happened to have cloud services on the same physical box as your virtualized servers, AND you have net neutrality so Comcast/Time Warner/Cox/etc. can't throttle your network speeds because you're in the "top 1% of users" (read: you're actually using the services they offered to sell you and you agreed to buy then they reneg on their contracted offerings) then it will be a practical option.

Until then, fuck cloud servers. Seriously.

Comment Re:We will just reverse engineer them.... (Score 1) 522

If only there were an invention which can be used to determine the elements in a compound. I suspect that might want to vaporize the material and shoot a light source through it to a prism, which will split the light and the resultant spectum analyzed and compare the spectrum to that of known elements, thereby revealing what is in the alloy. Crazy, I know, but it just might work!

The better solution is getting citizens of both countries to STOP VOTING FOR WARMONGERS.

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