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Comment Re:Why fear the iMac? (Score 1) 355

They're still not offering a retina external display, but they're about the only manufacturer that isn't. I just got a 4K 27" display at work (and I'm now back to preferring to read text on the big screen instead of on the laptop screen). The panel quality is nice, but it lacks any bells and whistles. They're only £300 now though, so we're buying them as the standard external displays.

Comment Re:Is D3D 9 advantageous over 10? (Score 1) 55

Direct3D 10 is very different from DirectX 9. The latter was designed with modern GPUs in mind and so is based around an entirely programmable pipeline. DirectX 9 is predominantly a fixed-function API with various places where you can insert shader programs into the pipeline. This means that DirectX 10 is easier to support because there's less provided by the API.

Supporting D3D 9 is akin to supporting OpenGL 2. You need to expose most of the programmable interfaces but also have a load of fixed-function stuff work, typically (on modern hardware) by providing shader programs that do the same thing. Supporting D3D10 is more similar to supporting OpenGL 3, where most of the complexity is in moving data to and from the GPU and compiling shader programs.

With Gallium, there are two aspects to supporting these APIs. The first is the compiler turning programs from a source language (HLSL, GLSL) into TGIR. The second is the state tracker, which handles API-specific state. The former part is about as complex for D3D 9 and 10, as they have similar shader language support. The latter is a lot simpler for 10, as it is a much less stateful API.

Comment Re:Some Sense Restored? (Score 1) 522

Gimp has a dbus dependency, and dbus in turn has the systemd libs as dependencies.

Which still sounds odd to me. I'm running Gentoo on my main desktop (Mint on my laptop) and have never installed systemd. I've decided to stick with OpenRC. GIMP works fine here and I do have dbus installed.

It seems this dbus dependency is not an unsolvable problem.

Comment Re:Are you patenting software? (Score -1, Redundant) 224

Because most software patents don't go above the threshold of 'obvious.'


I do concede that a key word is "most", though a slightly stronger phrase like "the vast majority of" would also be appropriate. There are a very small number of software patents which I would (grudgingly) agree are probably legitimate, like RSA. Software patents like that are remarkable precisely because they are extremely rare.

Comment Re:It is serious but also concerning (Score 1) 571

A small reactor could power a U.S. Navy warship, and eliminate the need for other fuel sources that pose logistical challenges

A navy ship, what about a cruise liner? With cheap energy, you could process the deuterium from sea water for fuel, grow food in artificially lit enclosures below decks and have a self-sustaining artificial ecosystem that could spend years between trips to port.

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