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Comment Re:Okay, David Cameron is a Luddite and a moron. (Score 1) 216

a substantial investment in equipment and software that IN NO WAY contributes to the company's bottom line.

I agree with your post, however this line is probably not true -- if the ISP does this at the behest of a politician (or any government TLA) then there is probably either a tax break or some other kind of financial boon for doing so, if not a penalty for not cooperating -- which means this almost certainly will hit their bottom line one way or another.

Also, the ISP cooperating here could give them a boost with that politician and perhaps their party when having future unrelated discussions -- for example, around net neutrality.

Comment Re:Couldn't they have used an RTG? (Score 3, Insightful) 132

It would be a pisser to have come this far only to have the mission fail because the probe can't get enough power to carry on operations.

Who said the mission would be a failure? They've landed on a comet and received lots of data from the lander already. Even if the mission is cut severely short, it sounds like a success to me.

Comment False sense of success? (Score 2) 112

What makes it false? If they sell the product and make a profit, that's a basic success. Who cares if customers put the product in a drawer and don't use it? That's where many products end up -- that doesn't make them unsuccessful.

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