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Comment Re:Money quote (Score 1) 688

The US has the most right leaning government there is. It also has the most racially, socially, culturally, and economically diverse population there is.

We certainly do have a right-leaning gov't, but your statement just isn't true. There are lots of gov'ts that are farther right than us. Particularly in the Middle East & Aftrica.

Comment Re:"not limited by plugs and external power source (Score 1) 130

Ya, so that's an article about a prototype but what I asked for was a link to the consumer product that the other post was referring to. Great job being a dick and still not getting the point.

https://www.google.com/search?... -- nothing.
https://www.google.com/search?... -- nothing.

Comment NOT emails & memos. (Score 4, Informative) 373

According to the WSJ article that the AOL article is "borrowing" from (and sensationalizing) these limitations are only applied to "documents used for reports and presentations."

That's bad enough, but we really don't need to discredit them even more for limiting their employees ability to communicate with each other (which they haven't done). They are simply trying to keep emotion out of the official reports & presentations and stick to the facts. I actually don't blame them for trying to do this.

Comment Re:What's the protocol? (Score 1) 65

I'm not sure what altitude this flew, but most class B and C airspace goes no higher than 10,000ft MSL so if this was above that altitude, it would not have broken any of those airspace regulations. In order for it to get past the Rocky Mountains, it was probably at least 7,000ft so it's quite possible it was over 10,000 ft.

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