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Comment The goal is not important (Score 1) 154

The goal here is not the important part. It is obviously a lofty goal and potentially unreachable. That said, a company like Toyota striving for a goal like this is almost certain to result in technological advances in energy generation as well as efficiency, so I am very happy to see them put this out there.

Every other comment I see here is talking about how impractical the goal or approach is. Just FYI, it's also not practical to land a person on the moon for a few hours, but we did it and it is still regarded as one of the greatest accomplishments in human history. Sometimes it's OK to dream, and maybe not be so shitty to people for having dreams.

Comment Re:Is this an ad for Burger King? (Score 1) 245

Honestly, thanks for the info -- really wish any of that were actually present in either the summary or the article (or both preferably). This really does simply read like an ad for Burger King. There are lots of nationwide chain restaurants with locations near me that serve the "impossible" burger (notably Red Robin) so it's really hard to understand why Burger King doing it would be especially interesting.

Comment Re:They can already get inside (Score 1) 98

Well it requires physical access to the device, so I suppose you have to break in twice -- once to get the memory card to obtain the SSH key, and then once again using the wifi hack in order to steal stuff...?

The article seems more concerned about apartment buildings linking several door locks to one of these hubs, which I could see as a reasonable concern; it makes the opportunity quite a bit more lucrative for the bad actor to be able to access multiple residences with one hack.

Either way, it's not trivial.

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