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Comment Re:No (Score 1) 152

Agreed. Local law enforcement can already install these things on people's cars when they get a DUI. That's as far as it should go. Mandatory breathalyzer sucks, just like the mandatory "sleepy driver" sensor networks that spy on you constantly to make sure you're driving while awake.

Comment Re:So they can get away with this (Score 1) 80

I doubt it. Brin and Page did it years ago. By this point you could probably just copy Google's algo from a few decades ago and get a reasonably good search, minus the trashification you'd get from people abusing SEO (you would have to tweak around SEO and it would be a cat-and-mouse game if they adjusted to compensate).

Comment Re:Money (Score 1) 109

If you don't have storage then you have intermittancy issues. It makes no sense to push wind or solar onto the grid without batteries.
Some groups even sell (or at least price) compressed air systems as alternatives to lion batteries storage. Hopefully the sodium batteries coming onto the market can offer a cheap replacement for lion batteries in installations where size and weight are less relevant.

In any case, solar/wind with battery could be a viable solution that might not even require natgas or nukes to back it up. It would take an excess of capacity and significant battery backups to be reliable. If you really want wind on the grid, that is your actual target. And THAT is what needs to be cheap.

Comment Re:wow, really? (Score 2) 54

It's entropy, plain and simple. Sooner or later, no matter how secure an organization may be at any given point, skip ahead a few cycles, and attention to detail wanes. Managers stop asking questions, project leaders reprioritize thinking the problem is solved, staff do a "monkey see, monkey do", and then new gaps open up, get taken advantage of, management go into a state of denial, project leaders can't get their teams to give a damn, and then the inevitable breach or audit reveals the extent of the vulnerabilities, and management sends out the big press release that's always "We're reprioritizing security because we take security SERIOUSLY!"

Rinse, repeat, endlessly until the heat death of the universe shows entropy is always king.

Comment Re:Transphobic (Score 1) 249

Oddly enough, no one ever talks about women going into men's restrooms. The same with lesbian sex. People such as those in Utah will whine about gay sex, but they will always men sex between two (or more) men. Never between women.

Double standard, one of the many.

With women...they can "experiment"...and come back to the home team.

But as a suck one dick........

Comment Re: Don't say don't say don't say don't say gay (Score 4, Insightful) 249

How does gender dysphoria pose a threat to children or anyone really?

Because of all the creepy men who are just claiming to be trans, to gain access to dressing rooms, restrooms, showers...etc.

I'm not sure how you missed out on one of the stories (not the one from Alaska) of a supposed trans in a Planet Fitness dressing room...showering walking around fully erect and was asking a young, underage girl if she wanted to shower with him, etc.

I think they finally did get the cops to bust that guy....

But these poor women that don't want to be changing or showering in a room with a biological man, with his dick hanging out or even some stage of being erect....and yet when they complain of being uncomfortable, THEY are the ones that have memberships terminated, or other penalties.

I'm seriously trying to pinpoint in very recent history when common sense in the world (especially the US) left the room and the crazies took over....

Comment Re:Don't say don't say don't say don't say gay (Score -1, Troll) 249

Is there any other way to look at this law other than it's transphobic?

Well, yep.

I see this is less transphobic, and more pro-normal, pro-hetero

It isn't fair that the absolute, overwhelming majority of people that know what they are...have to cowtow to this barely statistically significant minority....especially women.

Why aren't you worried about womens' rights anymore?

And no...just "saying" you feel like a woman today does not make you one...we're talking biological women, the way we've done things since the dawn of time.

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