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Comment Mmm... Cores... (Score 1) 449

I'll see your cores and raise you your boss strangling all your cores by forcing you to get all the data you were planning to process from NFS shares on 100 megabit LAN connections. Because your developers and IT department, with all the competence of a 14-year-old who just got his hands on a copy of Ruby on Rails, can't figure out how to utilize disk that every fucking machine in the company doesn't have read access to.

Comment Re:What about software? (Score 1) 328

MS DOS, Windows 3.1, NT, OS/2 and Linux are all close-to or past that 20 year mark too. IIRC (It's been a REALLY long time) I started playing with Linux in '95 or '96. Not to mention a lot of the more moldy older UNIXes, VMS, the IBM mainframe OSes, etc.And of course the fan fiction I wrote about a homoerotic encounter between Captain Picard and Q, which you can still find on the internet if you dig around a bit!

Comment Macs Don't Seem To Handle Heat Well (Score 1) 304

I came to the conclusion that macs really don't handle heat very well after some research online when my old Mac Pro desktop burned up its ATI video card. There were a lot of posts out there from people who'd had the same problem, as well as a lot of people having heat-related issues with their Mac laptops. The solution at the time was to crank the fans up until the whole thing sounded like a 747 taking off. After that machine burned up its replacement video card 6 months later, I ended up slapping a lower-end nvidia card on it. It never had a problem after that -- the nvidia card couldn't get hot enough to burn itself up. That machine's going to get repurposed as a linux-running file server real soon now.

There were some other heat related problems with Mac laptops around that time, as well.

Not that I'm trying to slam Apple. They were actually really good about replacing a board in a 13" PowerPC Macbook Pro I'd purchased with their extended warranty plan some years later after I'd handed the machine down to my room mate. She'd started having problems with the screen going off and took it in to the local Apple store. They checked their computer and said the machine had the extended warranty plan (I'd forgotten I'd even purchased with it) and did the repair for free. We were both ready to write the machine off but she got another couple of years of use out of it. I'm still using a 17" Macbook pro from 2006 on a regular basis, too. it still works great for what it needs to do and nothing I could upgrade it to really seems as nice as that machine is.

Comment Continuation Of Skydiving Adventure (Score 4, Interesting) 214

Back in 2012 I saw this video and said "Shit. What have I been doing with my life?" and also "I want to do that!" A bit of research on the subject found that you need a couple hundred skydives before flying a wingsuit. So in 2012 I went through skydiving training. My 2014 resolution was to jump at a couple of new dropzones, do a few hot air balloon jumps and become reasonably proficient flying my wingsuit.

Well it was a bad year for wingsuiting for me. My springtime allergies were so bad I got a quarter of the skydives in that I wanted to this year, and I only got around to one other dropzone. It was a nice dropzone, though. And I did a good number of hot air balloon jumps.

So I'm redoing my resolution to get better at flying my wingsuit in 2015. I want to get to the point where I'd be comfortable moving to a suit with more wing surface. I'll want to do that if I'm ever going to do a base jump like the one in that video. I don't expect I'll be at the point where I'd be comfortable doing a base jump this year, but I want to position myself so I can travel to Hawaii and spend a week flying over the island in a wingsuit in 2016. You can fly them out of a skydiving plane just fine. I have about 10 jumps on mine so far.

Comment Grain Of Salt (Score 1) 386

Guy I never heard of thinks he can tell the company that's worth more than all the organs of every single human being in his home city how their business process sucks. Thanks, guy I never heard of! I'm sure company that's worth more than all the organs in your home city will take that to heart and start doing what you think they should be doing immediately!

Comment Re:Who cares about rotational speed these days? (Score 1) 190

Most of my data is infrequently-accessed video files. I edit them down and upload them to youtube but I keep the raw video around for future projects. A 4TB rotational drive should do me for a few years worth of videos, but I'm still tempted to set up a storage server on my network so I can play around with Hadoop's hdfs.

Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 1) 420

Well yeah. Why aren't we doing that? California's doing that, everyone else is like "No! We LIKE drunk driving!" or something. Hence my brave stand! I don't like drunk driving! I want to be able to drive home from a session in the wind tunnel (Which is in NO WAY a euphemism!) on a Friday night and not have to worry about getting T-Boned by some twat with 16 DUI convictions and a suspended license! I know that's really asking a lot, but by God that's what I'm asking for!

Comment Re:Quality Vs. Quantity (Score 1) 161

I have a limited sample size and haven't made a study of it. I can only draw conclusions from what I observed personally. The football obsession in the south really felt like a white culture thing. Most of the administrators and teachers were white, and they were the ones pushing it. But my point was that the academic focus of the educational system does have a significant impact on the students they produce. That system that I went through up north wanted its kids to go to college and it made that clear from the moment you walked into the building. Everything they did flowed from that, and it made a difference in a million little ways. You can add time to a system if you want to, but if the underlying system is bad, that will be pointless.

Race doesn't figure into it. The kids who had to go through the two southern schools that I attended were victims. We were all victims. I know there are plenty of good schools in the south. My sister got married and settled down in Alabama and made damn sure her kids went to good schools there. Just not the ones I went to. I've been successful in life not because of my time there, but in spite of it.

As for Michael Brown, I saw the story and thought to myself, "There can be no rest, as long as a mother must fear for her child's life every time he leaves the house." More recently I also thought, "There can be no rest as long as a wife must fear for her husband's life every time he puts on his uniform to go out on patrol." I used to think that humanity could outgrow these problems, but my increasingly-cynical view is that the only way humanity's suffering will end is when humanity ends. I still hope humanity proves me wrong. I assume this is because I was also brought up on Disney, and Disney princesses always get their Prince Charming. The rest of us probably aren't getting diddly.

Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 1) 420

I going to make a brave stand on the anti-drunk-driving side here, but I think that's a lot better than the alternative we have now of being powerless to stop them again and again until they kill someone. Seems like every few months I hear about a DUI fatality where the driver had multiple citations DUIs and for driving with a suspended license. At some point we should be able to realize that person is going to kill someone and do whatever we need to do to stop that from happening. I'm not necessarily suggesting that we lock 'em away for 5-10 years on the first citation, sometimes that's just the wakeup call someone needs to get their shit together, but I think the penalties should ramp up much more quickly and harshly than they do now.

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