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Comment Re:Hmmm ... (Score 1) 180

This is not just making a copy. They used her work in a major motion picture. Big difference, jones. Maybe you're not an artist of any kind, so you wouldn't understand. But those of us who dabble in the arts can tell you it's a very personal expression. That's why copyright is important. People feel like they are entitled to control what they make. That is a very human thing to feel.

Comment Re:ROM (Score 2) 163

Best response I've seen all day. But good luck convincing Apple that anybody but a "Genius" should be cracking open an apple device. Aren't they still using those patented fuck-you^W pentalobe screws?

Comment Especially the Kindle Fire (Score 1) 179

We won a Fire in a raffle, so I put the next book of a series I've been reading on it. It works fine during the day and on the can, but it's awful right before bed. Even on its lowest brightness setting, it feels like staring into the sun (probably why it chews through battery so fast). Anybody know how to get Kindle books on an old Sony e-reader? Yay LCD!

Comment Re:Sure... (Score 2) 343

Except my medical insurance is provided by my company, so all of my insurance claims are filed here at work via email. Employees have access to a benefit network that includes divorce/marriage/psych/legal counseling. Registration for these services goes through our local servers before getting to the service provider. so much for your sage advice.

Comment Re:Have Both (Score 1) 567

Here I was thinking I was the only guy with that setup. Documents on one screen spreadsheets on the other. Pretty useful. I was surprised to find out that ClearType subpixel rendering still tries to subpixel in the horizontal on the portrait screen. But it won't matter pretty soon, Microsoft seems to be going back to gray-scale anti-aliasing anyway (boo-hiss).

Comment Re:"Expected" to release methane (Score 1) 329

the only unknown is when, but prediction doesnt carry a "when", only a statement that it will occur.

Herein lies the crux of the problem. If the when is "during my lifetime," then I might give a shit. Otherwise, I'll crank the A/C all the way down to 60, then drive my H2 to watch a NASCAR race. Hell, I might even burn a few science textbooks while I'm there; I hear it's a fun way to release some extra carbon.

Comment Re:The "Protesters" (Score 1) 1128

First of all, there are several protesters who have been trying to police their own and talk people down. But if the bad protester is already committing acts of violence, trying to reign him in will get you hurt/killed by either him or the cops that come for him.

Second, police have a history of using agents provocateur as recently as the 2008 Republican Convention. And historically police have targeted left-wing protests for these sorts of incitements. I'm not saying that the Ferguson police are guilty of such a thing, but it's one of the reasons why policing your own people doesn't always work. That, and the folks are really, really, REALLY pissed off.

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