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Comment Re:FUD and kneejerk reactions (Score 2) 209

If they want this information from me, anonymous or not, they should have to get my explicit "OK" to use my data, and not allow it to be gathered by default.

Nothing really is more private than my medical records. I'm still trying to find in the Constitution, amongst the narrowly defined, limited, enumerated powers the Federal Govt is supposed to have where they are to gather all the information they can on me, a law abiding citizen, for any type of usage.

I'm trying to find even the stretch for "interstate commerce" where they could possibly be enabled to get this power.

Comment Re:Opt-Out Strategy (Score 2) 209

On the plus side, you'll probably live longer.


You know..I'd just rather take my chances and have an Opt In for it if I wanted it.

Looking at that link it says "The figures reflect the quality of healthcare in the countries listed as well as other factors including ongoing wars, obesity, and HIV infections".

Frankly, I dunno what having the Feds have such extreme access to my medical records would to to help prevent my life expectancy with regard to wars, obesity and HIV, unless the feds take my information and require lifestyle changes for things like obesity. I suppose they could link it to my grocery stores and prevent me buying bad foods, etc.

But that's not quite the role I want the US govt to play in my life.

Comment Re:Babble (Score 1) 73

I have an UHD monitor (3840x2160) and without exception the only games that change view like that are terrible games that have fixed UI elements that are x pixels wide, meaning that on a high def monitor the actual action happens with tiny ants in the 800x600 center with microbuttons and a lot of scenery. I decrease the resolution to get a "normal" gaming experience. Good games on the other hand look roughly the same on my 28" UHD screen as they looked on the 24" 1080p screen, only more detailed with the zoom level a feature of the game, not implicitly set by the resolution. So great feature I suppose if you want to feel the pains of crap HiDPI support without actually having a HiDPI monitor...

Comment Re:Not to mention (Score 5, Insightful) 209

Well, this should pretty much close the loop on the "Big Brother" initiative that the Feds have obviously been working towards.

I wonder if there is any way to opt OUT of this. I don't see that the Federal govt needs to know or store or handle my personal medical information.

I'm happy to take my chances without them handling this, I've done quite well without it all these many years of my life so far.

Comment Re:Hiding evidence (Score 2) 192

So Microsoft US employees, or at least some of them, seem to have direct access to worldwide Microsoft data.

And quite probably the other way around, this would create hell on all forms of international access/accounts as the Germans would find a person working for Microsoft Germany who'd be compelled to access documents on US servers in violation of US law. Let's also not forget that even if you're in your own country and relatively safe you are committing a crime abroad, which could be nasty if you ever decide to go on holidays to a country that has an extradition agreement with that country. Also, if you know people from Microsoft US are going to break the law and let them keep access then that should probably count as some kind of criminal conspiracy, like a security guard not sounding the alarm. I think the EU can shut these jokers down quite quick even if the US courts won't.

Comment Re:Wha?!?!!! (Score 1) 172

Your estimate was probably just a bit old, if I recall it was something like 800k when x.org took over from xfree86, they shaved off hundreds of thousands of lines of old cruft. And when they finally ran out of cruft that could be removed, they started writing Wayland. It's probably the only OSS project that's shrunk over the last 10 years,

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