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Submission + - Steve Jobs responds to Mac vs iPhones. But clones? ( 2

destinyland writes: Responding to Newsweek's "RIP, Macintosh" article, Steve Jobs replied to Macsimum News, "Completely wrong. Just wait." (Though ironically, it was sent from Jobs' iPhone.) Newsweek's article had quoted Jobs as telling a developer that "We are focusing primarily (though not exclusively) on iPhone OS this year. Maybe next year we will focus primarily on the Mac. Just the normal cycle of things. No hidden meaning here." But Technology analyst Ronald O. Carlson is predicting the next phase might see Mac clones. ("It's a highly mature product category that doesn't require the company's full, direct attention... all Apple would need to do is build the OS and certify hardware a la the App Store.") It could even drive competition in the PC space, he argues, creating shorter and cheaper hardware development cycles.

Submission + - Google "Street View" embarrasses teenaged couple (

destinyland writes: The photography van for Google Map's Street View has inadvertently captured a British couple's first kiss. Two teenagers, kissing on a lawn, never noticed Google's photographers snapping the candid photo in March. ("I was more worried about my dad seeing us," said 17-year-old Hayley.) Ironically, the couple had been trying to keep their relationship a secret — and Google has since deleted the photograph — but it's been preserved around the web."Luckily our parents have seen the funny side," added 16-year-old Eddie.

Submission + - FTC will investigate Apple (

An anonymous reader writes: The Federal Trade Commission will open an investigation into whether Apple is illegally using its position in the mobile software market to harm competitors, according to several published reports.

On Friday afternoon, both Bloomberg News and The Wall Street Journal reported that the FTC had opened a formal probe.

At issue is Apple's recent tweaking of its App Store rules. In May, Apple made changes that prohibit certain developer tools from being used to create applications for the iPhone and iPad, and on Monday effectively blocked Google's AdMob and other non-independent mobile ad networks from accessing applications on the iPhone.


Submission + - Google Adsense Introducing Certified Ad Networks (

jompha writes: on 18th march , Adsense announced Google Certified Ad Networks to run advertisements from advertisers of third party ad networks.

Which means that advertisers from these third party networks will be able to compete with AdWords
advertisers to show on the Google Content Network. Well, this is NOT something new. We already have Adsense Third Party Ads announced in May, 2008.


Submission + - Mr. Watson, Come Here 2.0

theodp writes: Bell and Watson, meet Jobs and Ive. If you couldn't make WWDC, Silicon Alley Insider has the humorously awkward phone call Steve Jobs made to Apple design wizard Jonathan Ive to demonstrate FaceTime on the iPhone 4. It's followed by the official Apple commercial for FaceTime, which SAI points out 'could make an angry cynic on the subway get teary.' Very cool. And if this device doesn't inspire iPhone app developers to circumvent Steve's freedom-from-porn pledge, nothing will.

Submission + - Goodbye, freshmeat, we're going to miss you (

Roblimo writes:, the parent company of,,,,, and, has told employees that it will be closing and This information has not yet been released to the public, but we've heard it from more than one employee. The company also reportedly laid off 25% of its staff this week. After the story was posted at, a Vice President emailed this response to its author: 'If you're asking whether or not the sites are for sale, the answer is no. However, we are looking to create better ways for our community to interact with the information on these sites, likely through SourceForge.'

Submission + - Apple Eases Restrictions On iPhone Developers (

WrongSizeGlass writes: MacRumors has a story on a report by Apple Outsider's Matt Drance that Apple is easing their restrictions on interpreted code used in iPhone development, a change which allows game developers in particular to continue to use interpreted languages such as Lua in their App Store applications. The change comes alongside Apple's further modifications of its iOS developer terms that again allow for limited analytics data collection to aid advertisers and developers, but appear to shut out non-independent companies such as Google's AdMob from receiving the data.

It's not enough of an 'about face' to let Adobe or Google back in the picture but they've backpedaled enough to let the little guys squeeze through.

Submission + - Microsoft explains mystery Firefox extension 1

Ricky writes: Microsoft has fixed the distribution scope of a toolbar update that, without the user's knowledge, installed an add-on in Internet Explorer and an extension in Firefox called Search Helper Extension. Microsoft told us that the new update is actually the same as the old one; the only difference is the distribution settings. In other words, the update will no longer be distributed to toolbars that it shouldn't be added to. End users won't see the tweak, Microsoft told Ars, and also offered an explanation on what the mystery add-on actually does.

Ars Technica

Submission + - Volume Shadow Copy for Linux? 1

An anonymous reader writes: I was asked to manage a number of Linux servers at work. I would like to use volume snapshots to improve my backup scripts and keep recent copies of data around for quick restore. I normally manage Windows servers and on those I would just use MS Volume Shadow Copy for this. I tried Linux LVM snapshots but most of the servers I manage run regular partitions with Ext3 file systems so LVM snapshots will not work. I found some versioning file systems out there like ext3cow and Tux3. Those look interesting but I need something I can use on my existing Ext3 file systems. I also found the R1Soft Hot Copy command line utility, but it does not yet support my older 2.4 Linux servers. What are you using to make snapshots on Linux?
The Courts

SCO Wanted To Gag Torvalds, Moglen 168

An anonymous reader passes on word of court documents filed by IBM on Friday. The documents contain a copy of a letter, dated 2004, from SCO to IBM's lawyers stating that they tried to keep Linus Torvalds from making disparaging public statements about SCO, speculating erroneously that IBM was the principal funder of OSDL, where Torvalds worked at the time. Quoting: "The company also tried to silence Eben Moglen, the Columbia University professor who, until this month, was a director of the Free Software Foundation, and Eric Raymond, a controversial open-source advocate, saying they claimed to be IBM consultants."
Linux Business

Submission + - Linux Kernel 2.6.21 Released

Daishiman writes: "The new Linux kernel has been released, with a host of notable features. Linus Torvalds writes on the Linux Kernel Mailing List:

"If the goal for 2.6.20 was to be a stable release (and it was), the goal for 2.6.21 is to have just survived the big timer-related changes and some of the other surprises (just as an example: we were apparently unlucky enough to hit what looks like a previously unknown hardware errata in one of the ethernet drivers that got updated etc)."

Other notable feature is the new scheduler."

Submission + - Jack Thompson Seeks to Profit From Massacre

Jaklar writes: "We've posted an email exchange between Jason Della Rocca, Executive Director of the IGDA, and Jack Thompson, everyone's favorite mouthpiece for anti-videogaming hyperbole. The emails shed light on Jack's motivations, clearly illuminating his intention to profit from tragic events, much to the dismay of Jason Della Rocca. I'm sure you'll find the emails as interesting as we did.
Here's a little taste:
From: "Jack Thompson"
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:42:01 -0400
Sure, you agree and then we get an agent to book it or them. Nice of you to characterize me as worse than an ambulance chaser. I was trying to stop these ambulances from being dispatched over the last eight years. You can apologize at our first debate. Do you agree or not?
Della Rocca pressed the issue, asking Thompson to detail the process by which the debate would take place, to which Thompson responded:
From: "Jack Thompson"
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:45:59 -0400
First, you agree to debate. Then we get an agent who gets us a venue, or more than one on college campuses, and we get paid to debate. We negotiate the venue and the revenue. /Jack_Thompson_Looking_for_a_Fast_Buck_in_Debate/"
The Courts

Submission + - RIAA "Ex Parte" Procedures Attacked in Fre

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: "The widely reported Sacramento, California, case of SONY v. Merchant, which received international attention when a Visalia, California, lawyer penned a strongly worded letter to the RIAA's lawyer that caused the RIAA to beat a hasty retreat and promptly withdraw its case, has heated up as the RIAA went to a different court, this time going to Fresno rather than Sacramento, and tried a different tack, this time proceeding "ex parte" against fictional "John Does" so that they would not have to give the Merchants notice of what they were doing. Defendants have now launched a full scale attack (pdf) on the RIAA's tactic of bringing secret "ex parte" proceedings against improperly joined, multiple John Does, and demanding that notice be given of any applications to the Court prior to their being made (pdf). Defendants have also attacked the frivolousness of the RIAA's evidence, and argue that the RIAA's joinder of various "John Does" in a single case is in violation of the 2004 order issued by a federal court in Fonovisa v. Does 1-41."

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
