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Comment Re:The British are proud of their Pound (Score 1) 185

The supply doesn't go down though, hence why when you download something its not stealing. You simply can not go and download a volume license. To me this is just a clear case of Occam's razor, that it is really just a price increase due to the British Pound.

Yea, but there's a reason for Ewok pelts being "out of the world" in pricing. Is simply Jawas have better pelts, and are quite easy to kill. Leaving a piece of a droid over a bear-trap. Presto unlimited Jawas!

Comment Re:The British are proud of their Pound (Score 2) 185

I find it curious that U.K. Spikes Pirate Bay [], and Microsoft raises prices. Coincidence? I think not.

How is this +4 Interesting? They are raising the price on volume licensing. Can anyone show me on the TPB where I can download a volume license? Actually let me use that same idea. ...ladies and gentlemen of this Slashdot Site, I have one final thing I want you to consider, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense!

Why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this post? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a poster at Slashdot defending Microsoft , and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in the story moderating' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed site moderators, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must mark my post interesting.

Microsoft Raises UK Prices By a Third and Can't Rule Out Future Hikes 185

New submitter DerekduPreez writes "Microsoft has revealed that it will increase volume licencing prices in the UK by an average of 29 percent to adjust for the 'sustained currency differences between European countries'. UK businesses have until 1st July to place their orders under the current prices before the changes take effect. Microsoft claims that because of sustained differences between the British Pound and the Euro, price spikes are necessary to maintain consistency across the region. Microsoft also confirmed that it could not rule out future increases, as it will continue to monitor currency movements and may make further adjustments if there are large fluctuations."

Comment Re:To a bureaucrat (Score 1) 245

You are right: there are no essential features lacked by Open or Libre Office. By essential, I mean stuff needed to present information. Therefore, Government departments could easily mandate that only that feature set is used. But the Microsoft argument is that if "free" means it only does 99% of what expensive does, free is worthless (even if the 1% is unnecessary.)

You really think it is only 1%? If you were trying to sell that Google Docs compared to Microsoft 365 lacked 1%, I would of believed you. I have tried many times to use Open or Libre Office, they are terrible compared to Microsoft Office sadly. I really would like to use something else, but for spreadsheets nothing compares to Excel and Word. People always say well its only missing 10% of the features that mos people don't use anyway. That is exactly the problem, most people WILL use at-least one of those missing features in some application. This makes it a deal breaker for most people.

The other thing is the documentation is a train wreck, I remember looking up how I could have a spreadsheet link to another spreadsheet and auto-update every minute. Sadly even me specifically looking for a way to do it in Open Office only turned up how to do it in Microsoft Office. Looking at the forums for open office, many others have asked the same question not a single answer. If we went over to Microsoft's website there was a step by step guide on how to do exactly what I was trying. In the end it just wasn't worth it for me.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 922

If you live in the US, you can be arrested and jailed for *years*, because a policeman says he thought he smelt cannabis smoke coming from your house.

Really? How, I am quite confused this could happen do you have any source at all for this? Or is this something that you are making up based purely on speculation?

I mean the bigger issue here, is that you are defending censorship by saying look at that other country is more evil then us then what we are doing! You need to remember that freedom of speech is a two way street. Once you start blocking things it becomes a very slippery slope.

"We must bring ourselves to realize that it is necessary to support free speech for the things we hate in order to ensure it for the things in which we believe with all our heart." -- Heywood Broun

Comment Re:It's Basic Infrastructure (Score 1) 255

By everyone locking down their wifi you provide credibility to the claim that an IP equals a perpetrator.

If I were to say, brute force your WPA2 using my graphics card, you would have a harder time making your case than if your wifi was open and it could have been anyone.

I care more about protecting the innocent than persecuting criminals I guess.

That approach does not hold up in court, at least in the US. For instance, you have an open WIFI connection that someone uses to download child porn. You claim, but I didn't download the porn, somebody else did. That is true, you only distributed it, since it did flow to your device and then out again. Not a very smart strategy, if you ask me.

Have any sources at all for that or are you just theory-crafting?

Comment Re:MS rely on piracy (Score 1) 109

If MS actually stopped all unlicenced use of Windows then they'd soon be a minority OS, they rely on piracy to give them the bulk of the desktop market share. How many people do you know who've actually bought a copy of Windows? It's mostly OEM installations,

OEM installations are not pirated copies they are completely legal and have been paid for and officially bought. Not to mention how many companies are out there running Microsoft Windows in business with Site licenses.

It's mostly OEM installations, and when it stops working most people have it replaced by an unlicensed version by a "mate with a disc".

Secondly that statement doesn't make sense either. When the average user computer breaks down they really do 2 options.

1. Go to a computer repair shop.
2. Get an IT/Computer person to fix it.

If either one them are compliment, the fastest and easiest way is ook at the license sticker on the computer and install that version of Windows using that key. Which is completely legal, and not a pirated copy. So where most of the installations are pirated copies does not make sense at all.

Comment Re:Thespians (Score 0) 527

. You can't personally research everything.

I agree with you. Except when you are going to get asked that question 5000+ times in a political campaign, maybe its time you did it. Then again this may be just my personality on how I value education and knowledge, but I read all types of information on any subject. As an example I read all about transatlantic cables not to long ago. The quest for just finding on how why and how something is should be a goal for everyone especially for someone who is going to be a leader of people.

Comment Re:Thespians (Score 0) 527

But what difference does it make if he believes in evolution?

Everything! It shows that he is not willing to stop and research something and use valid logic to come up with an appropriate conclusion. Instead he's believing something dogmatic because he deep down knows that his is right and is unwilling to change. Someone who tosses logic aside and stick's his fingers in his ear and continues ahead is not something I want in a politician.
Classic Games (Games)

Submission + - Interplay's ex-CEO Brian Fargo kickstarts Wasteland II (

0111 1110 writes: Attempting to emulate Double Fine's success to fund another currently dead genre of computer game, Brian Fargo of Interplay fame has started a kickstarter project for a sequel to his 1988 Wasteland, a post-apocalyptic RPG which inspired Fallout. It will be turn based and party based with a top down perspective and 2D graphics. Fargo has managed to attract many of the original developers such as Alan Pavlish and Mike Stackpole as well as Jason Anderson who was a designer for Fallout and Mark Morgan, who did the music for Planescape: Torment and both of the original Fallout games. Fargo's goal has been set at $900,000. Anything above that will be used for additional game content. At 1.5 million he will offer an OS X version. See interviews here and here for some additional insight into what he and his group are planning.

Comment Re:Cycles (Score 4, Interesting) 630

No, they're using iPads with bluetooth keyboards.

No, they are not. Do the people who post this actually believe this stuff?

I knew someone at work who had the grand idea to go spouting about how the iPad was revolutionize how he worked. He bought the Bluetooth keyboard got a nice case and a screen and a docking station. In 3 weeks he was back to using a laptop with Windows 7 with Office.

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