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Comment Re:Boston, in the winter? (Score 1) 112

The cars should be smart enough to stop for any object blocking the road...

A policeman in the center of an intersection is not blocking either lane of the road.

Also, around here, there's a habit (started long, long ago, before there were cars) of putting flagpoles in the center of main intersections.

Comment Re:Boston, in the winter? (Score 1) 112

Will the Google cars be smart enough to evade the college kids crossing the street against the red light while buried in their smart phone displays?

Are google cars smart enough to stop at an intersection that has a green light, but also has a policeman with his hand up telling the car to stop?

Did you know Google's self-driving cars can't handle 99% of roads in the US?

Comment Re:Still My Favorite (Score 1) 300

Firefox is still my favorite Windows browser....

A sample size of one is insignificant in the browser marketspace.

When a larger, more representative, sample size is used, Firefox is losing marketshare. Where is Mozilla in the mobile marketspace?

Mozilla's commands of "wait for us, we're the leader" are falling on deaf ears.

Mozilla is becoming irrelevant.

Comment Re:And why is hiding shit the default in Win serve (Score 2) 564

...I'm kind-of-sort-of willing to concede to the demands by that fuckstick hipster who works in marketing who thinks that aesthetically filename extensions make the product too technical for other fuckstick hipsters who are also wound up about appearances....

Hiding filename extensions predates the hipsters by decades. Don't blame the hipsters for everything you don't like...

Comment The root problem was the album wasn't wanted.... (Score 1) 201

The root problem was that many, many people did not want the album pushed to their devices.

Of course there are going to be more people listening to the album, whether by accident or intent. The album resides on more devices. For all we know, cats could be listening to it (and if you search youtube, you'll probably find a video of a cat listening to the album).

In order to determine whether or not the stunt was actually a success, you need to look at the future U2 sales increase or decrease vs. the negative effects of the backlash.

The cited survey does none of that.

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