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Comment Re:Won't happen (Score 2) 259

I know what they say about assuming, but I assume you mean that 20-40% of low income voters would vote Republican. I'm not familiar with minor US parties (my excuse: not living in the US) but surely there are other parties that they could be voting for, like a socialist party that would at least seem like a better option for poor voters?

Comment Re:malware = local (Score 1) 189

NoScript helps with this, it gives an ABE (application boundary enforcement) error.

ABE and some other features such as clickjacking protection also work if you've set it to allow scripts globally; this is how I've configured it on my parents' computer. It helps that my mother understands hardly any English, so I told her to close the browser if any foreign language messages popped up. No problems so far... *knocks on wood* :-)

Comment Re:The craptastic Windows 8 is Microsoft's time bo (Score 1) 829

I wonder if it's a settings issue (which would make it PEBKAC) but on my computer Windows 8 is more responsive than the latest version of Linux Mint I tried was (fairly sure it was version 14). The much-hated start screen appears instantly after pressing the super key, while there's a tiny but still noticeable delay until the Cinnamon start menu appears. Firefox also runs smoother on Windows than Linux in my experience.

There are many valid complaints to be made of Windows 8, but responsiveness is not one of its issues.

Comment Re:Why spend on something for no extra value? (Score 1) 829

Could you give an example of a feature that you (or your business) would consider big and important enough to upgrade?
And if you remember could you tell which XP feature was the Big One that made you upgrade from Windows 2000 (unless you were running something else before and XP was merely the standard choice at the time you bought the machines).

(I might sound like I'm just arguing, but I'm genuinely curious.)

Comment Re:areas of specialization (Score 1) 148

I don't know about Python either, although I've been wanting to get into it. Of course, I wouldn't apply for a Python job in the first place. On the other hand I'm sure I've missed job opportunities sometimes because I tend to underestimate my abilities and only apply if I'm sure I can do the job, unlike those people i kan reed was talking about earlier.

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