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Comment Ashes to Ashes, Slack to Slack (Score 1) 867

Slackware, mid-late-90s (just to play around with)
Debian, late 90s (mostly to play around with, also small webserver)
Xubuntu, ~2005 (on an old laptop)
Ubuntu, ~2007 (on a new laptop)
Slackware, ~2009 (same laptop, after Ubuntu broke my graphics/sound/wifi for the twentieth time)

Pretty happy with Slack. But been considering a move.

Comment Re:First of all (Score 3, Insightful) 404

50K a year is not a paltry sum, but it's a disappointing reward for ten years of higher education. The real problem, though, is that these are typically for one-two year appointments. Benefits are meager. There's no retirement plan. There's no room for advancement. In a year you will have to uproot your entire family to move somewhere else in the world.

Comment Re:FTC? (Score 1) 156

I think people just go by whatever died first on them. I'm prejudiced against Maxtor and WD because I lost data from failures in the 90s, and I've avoided them both ever since. I've had a number of Seagates in the past decade that have started making scary noises that forced me to retire them, but I've never actually lost data on them so they still kind of sit in the "pretty good" category in my head.

I've had no problems at all with any of my Samsungs, though, so that is sad to see them go. I bought a pair of Hitachis last year for the first time, and I haven't had any troubles with them yet. Knock on wood.

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