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Comment Re:Nope... Nailed It (Score 4, Insightful) 186

That's nice, you left out architecture. Who's doing the overall architecture? Has it been done before? If it is new, better spend a lot of time doing the architecture. Unless....

You have caught Agilitis. In this case, spend no time doing the architecture up front, do it on the fly. Add time to every single task you think you see for doing architecture related stuff. At the end, allocate a large blob of time to figure out the correct architecture rather than the one you built which now resembles a dirty snowball. And begin rebuilding the thing, reusing any errant parts you did in pass one. And because you are agile, be sure to appropriate time for execs who understand agile as they get to change what's necessary on the taste of their coffee that day, whether their secretary gave them a perky Good Morning, or whether their hair will turn sufficiently silver in time for that next promotion.

Comment Clippy Lives (Score 3, Funny) 140

Clippy the Guard: Hi there, I see you are attempting to break and enter, how may I be of assistance?

Burglar: (thinks "WTF") Errrmmm....have you got a key to this lock?

Clippy: No problem, I can open it automatically. However, have you tried the door over there?

Burglar: No, I want to break in through this door.

Clippy: The door over there is very nice, are you sure?

Burglar: Please open this door?

Clippy: Would you like me sound the alarm first?

Burglar: No, just open the damn door.

Clippy: The alarm is very nice.

Burglar: Will you pluuuueeessse open this door, you damn robot?

Clippy: I don't like your attitude.

Burglar: (pulls out gun, shoots self in head) BLAM....THUNK.

Clippy: Look it, I'm not opening the door if you are dead. Are you really dead? Damn humans (stomps off).

Comment Re:Build their economy? (Score 1) 143

Yes, but this is in New York State and upstate NY at that. NYS has been taxing the living hell out of corporations for decades. It started under Rockefellar, Rocky never saw a tax he could resist. The Unions did their bit, and county governments did their bits...all to screw any enterprise that was productive out of their money. Dunkirk probably couldn't do much on its own.

Comment Re: It's still reacting carbon and oxygen... (Score 2) 143

Nah, he told the true. You can find an environmentalist who likes wind but not solar, or nuclear but not hydro. The enviro movement, if I can call some so diffuse that, cannot collectively agree on anything. The only thing they can agree on are environmental regulations to stop something so they can cater to the one segment who doesn't like that something. The consequence is the polyglot energy systems we do have.

I believe in environmental regulations. However, choices have to be made. The biggest threat is global warming due to CO2. So start accepting nuclear and the rest and STFU already.

Comment Re:We have one in the US, too (Score 4, Interesting) 231

What is it specifically you object to about the ACA? Covering more people? You do realize the whole idea behind any health insurance is that healthy people support the unhealthy. My main objection to it is that it let the health insurance companies and their "death panels" ("actuaries" to you) live. It has only been since the 1960's that insurance companies have gotten into health insurance in a big way. And we can mark the cost rises for health care to them.

Comment Re:This is what the Free Market is for (Score 1) 323

"We could, perhaps, use a bit of enlightened self interest and work on the Ebola epidemic, work on the virus that is decimating the crop, work on creating an infrastructure in those countries so they can move themselves out the shithole that everyone has managed to create over there."

The U.S. is already doing this as well as the Western nations. Even China has anted up a pittance. You know it is serious when China decides to fund something with no immediate payback.

Comment Re:Lol. (Score 1) 698

Or....use a fraction of the money to inform parents that if their kid comes to school with one of their guns and no mitigating circumstances, the school system will sue them for everything they have ever owned and everything they will ever own. Proceeds go to the victims.

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