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Comment Re:I don't think Obama is really paying attention (Score 1) 533

So, here you are, twisting and turning, trying to avoid the actual commented-on issue, which asserts that Obama has the power to "take away" Islamist street cred, or bestow it. Limit your comments to whether that's actually true, or not. Which Muslim, in which country, is going to be thinking one moment that ISIS adherents are strictly faithful Muslims fighting the good fight against evil things like women who want to read and write, and then based on something Obama says, change their mind and decide that position (and thus ISIS) is no longer actually Islamic? What kind of person do you think holds ISIS as being defender of the faith but who also holds Obama as someone they should listen to as an authority on what is, or is not, authentically Muslim? Can you point to a single person, anywhere, who holds both positions?

Comment Re:I don't think Obama is really paying attention (Score 1, Interesting) 533

Or he is smarter and more strategic than you are. By refusing to acknowledge ISIS as 'real' Islam he takes away ISIS primary claim to legitimacy and hands that legitimacy to the moderate Muslims (ie Jordan) that will join in the fight against ISIS.

Do you really think that an organization of many thousands of people which slaughters other Muslims for being insufficiently Muslim will give a rat's ass whether or not a politician in the US considers them to be sufficiently Muslim? Obama can no more "take away" their embrace of fundamental Islam than he can turned to by millions of other Muslims as an authority on whether they are legitimately following the Koran. What nonsense, to even suggest such a thing.

People like the Jordanians will demonstrate their "legitimacy" through their own actions, not through having the president of the United States proclaiming their particular adherence to their own cherry-picked passages in the Koran as being the "right" one. Would you consider Obama to be also a strategic genius for weighing in on which groups in Israel or Brooklyn or Poland are legitimately Jewish? Please.

Comment Re:Easy life (Score 1) 208

So long as you dont clog the emergency room bay doors with your fat ass...

It's known the more a doctor performs a procedure, the better the outcome.

So when yourr slender ass pulls into the hospital at 70 with a heart attack, you're welcome.

I think this study should look into whether the saunas are melting fat out of the extremeties' vessels, especially capiillaries. Maybe helps keep vessels clear, lets heart work less hard.

Comment Re:Perception (Score 1) 420

He's not talking about the ACTUAL dress, he's talking about the photographic portrayal of a dress is the crappily exposed and presented JPG that everyone is looking at. The dress, as recorded in the JPG, is a barely-blue-tinted light grey, and the black elements have a demonstrably uneven RGB that makes them look gold (because that data represents a color low on blue ... which is to say, it's a golden hue).

Comment Re:Wanna know a secret? (Score 2) 107

a good firewalled computer will block 99.999% of the outbound requests and only transmit via backdoors in the system. they then are breaking the law to claim you are breaking the law, and thus you have a right to sue them for using a backdoor on your systems.

citation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit_scandal#Legal_and_financial_problems

"In addition to violations of the Consumer Protection Against Computer Spyware Act of 2005, which allowed for civil penalties of $100,000 for each violation of the law, the alleged violations added in the updated lawsuit (on December 21, 2005) carried maximum penalties of $20,000 per violation."

Comment Not trying indeed (Score 2) 98

Ok, let's deal with abouy 80% of the dollars scammed out of retirees the past 30 years.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm putting a child block on all your home shopping channels, grampa."

These things specialize in convincing the lonely elderly the hosts are their friends, with peals of joy and friendship when purchases are made. Look! She likes me!

Spend thousands a week, blow thru $20,000 of savings in a month.

To quote a wise opinion on the subject from several years ago, "Kill yourselves."

"That's not very funny!"

"I'm not trying to be funny. Kill yourselves."

Comment Re:Ah, Damnit... (Score 1) 516

Ya, but who says phones want ugly, flat icons either?

Computer icon progression through the years:

1. Crappy line drawings done by a programmer at his desk.
2. Fancy, artsy drawings by a pro
3. 3D rendered pictures
4. 3D rendered animations

And now...

5. Back to simple line drawings some progammer did at his desk in 10 minutes. Download folder icon?


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