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Comment Good, but still a long way to go (Score 3) 126

I've got a HD3300 IGP and that works alright with the open source driver. Not good, but alright. Then I bought a HD7850 and tried using the latest open source drivers. By latest I mean MESA snapsot from 20130619 and all the latest pieces. It is utterly broken and useless. Scrolling in applications cause artifacts. Starting some applications (like LibreOffice) just makes X hang. There is no usable open source drivers for the latest AMD cards. Yes there is something available, but it's a broken joke you can't actually use.

It is possible to use the open source driver to have one monitor on the HD3300 IGP and two monitors on the HD7850 without accelration on any of the monitors. Try the same setup with accelration and their driver segfaults.

I basically bought a HD7850 because AMD claims there's a open source driver for it. When you try it you'll find that there is no such thing as a functioning open source driver for this card and cards in this family.

The new kernel patches are probably a step in the right direction, but it won't help with the latest cards. AMD developers have in their wizdom decided to provide no 2D driver at all, instead they rely on 3D for 2D using MESA and "glamor". glamor is a buggy joke at this point and it will probably take years before that changes. I wish I could point to AMD and say "they've got great open source support" but the truth is that it's crappy at best. Intel is the only alternative if you want working free software drivers as of now.

Comment Re:Uh oh. Maybe the money isn't there. (Score 1) 173

Hey other genius, you can. There are other currencies besides USD, or you can trade to BTC and withdraw it.

Guy needs money. Guy sends BTC to MtGox and sells them netting about $25.000. Guy tries to withdraw said $25.000 on June 6th. MtGox lists the withdraw as "Processed". Money doesn't show up. Guy contacts customer service. They give him the runaround and BS him. Guy asks for said $25.000 to be reinstated into his account so he can buy bitcoins and send them to another exchange sell them there. MtGox says they can't do that because the withdraw is listed as "Processed". What "Processed" means is unclear since they have not initiated any wire transfer. Guy is _still_ waiting for his money. Note that this withdraw was initiated well before they stopped withdraws. And he's not the only one waiting for five figure amounts out of MtGox. So NO, you can't trade to BTC and withdraw it in many cases. Yes, you can - in theory - but not in real life. And EUR out of MtGox? That has always cost a 1% fee on the amount transfered (!) and it's always taken two-three weeks - sometimes longer. EUR out of Bitstamp, on the other hand, takes 1-2 days and costs a fixed 1 EUR fee.

You can believe it's easy to get money out of MtGox if you want. But please actually try and see how well it works before you make such claims.

Comment Re:put a dent in some banking transaction processi (Score 1) 173

The reason no digital currency will ever be used to such an extent is that they are truly worthless.

The vast majority of USD and EUR are digital. Only a small percentage exist as cold hard cash. Bitcoin is just another digital currency, just like USD, EUR and JPY. Yes, USD and EUR and JPY also have non-digital versions - but the amount is insignificant.

Comment Re:"That's what you get for money laundering". (Score 1) 173

Bitcoins are actually becoming more plentiful to the tune of 3600 more being created each day

^^^ THIS. People say that Bitcoin has deflation. This is currently NOT true, it is subject to inflation. If we assume that all new coins are sold then $388.800 new money needs to come in each and every day at current MtGox ticker price $108. Say $100 and that's still $360.000 new fiat money required each and every day.

Comment Re:Uh oh. Maybe the money isn't there. (Score 1) 173

Note that they're only stopping withdrawals from Mt. Gox, not inbound transfers

As said in another comment above: A typical sign of a ponzi is that they start to limit withdraws when they start to collapse. The problems with withdraws isn't new, btw. There are several people I know who are still waiting for five figure USD withdraws initiated in the beginning of this month. Do they have the money? You'd think so, but nobody really knows how much DHS took from their Dwolla account. And then there is the coinbase debacle

Comment Re:Threat ? Hilarious. (Score 2) 173

People who use bitcoin and drive up it's value are living inside a reality distortion field of their own making

lol, ever tried paying for something using Bitcoins? It's way faster and cheaper than paying using credit cards. A lot of places give you a discount if you pay using Bitcoin. Saying people who use Bitcoin are "living inside a reality distortion field" is as silly as saying the same thing about people who use other currencies like USD and EUR.

As for it's current value and those driving up the price.. my USD/BTC position is currently minus a three digit figure (yes, everyone on ##BTCPro is net short right now)

Comment Signs Of A Ponzi... (Score 1) 173

Bitcoin itself is just a currency and it's traded on numerous exchanges. But the latest MtGox move is interesting: A typical sign of a ponzi scheme is that they start limiting withdraws when they start to collapse. Who knows how much MtGox actually lost when DHS took their Dwolla account? And keep in mind that they just announced that there will be no more withdraws on June 20th. There are people who've been waiting for withdraws - still not processed - since June 5th. Also have a friend who managed to withdraw on June 12th but his second withdraw June 13th never came through.

Comment Stop watching TV (Score 0) 134

We've got the Internet, so why dumb yourself down by passivly staring at a propaganda box? They do call it "TV programs" as in "programming" (mind control). I haven't had a TV for about 12 years and I see a clear colleration between how much people watch TV and how much they know about what is really going on in the world around them. There also seems to be a colleration between the amount of time spent in front of a TV and the ability to think clearly and critically. Seriously, get rid of your TV if you have one, you'll feel more clear-minded just after a few months.

Comment Censorship and control (Score 1) 94

This is also about Censorship and Control. Yes torrents are used to distribute some pirated content. But they are also used to distribute home made videos, free educational videos and so on. I have a .torrent site where I mainly distribute videos by Alex Jones / and I can legally distribute everything on that site. I had Google Adsense on it for a while but one day they sent me an e-mail saying that having a .torrent file on your site violates their policy. It apparently doesn't matter to Google _what_ you distribute with a torrent, just using torrents is "bad". That's as stupid as saying "using http is against our policy" regardless of what you serve, but that's the "do evil" corporation for you. The Pirate Bay may have some "bad" content, but there's also a whole lot of important _legal_ content there. You can't easily censor videos distributed using BitTorrent. BitTorrent is important for free speech and free thought. I do understand why Disney wants to shut down sites who distribute videos with information that goes against their propaganda, but it's not alright.

Comment Re: Someone start a defense fund (Score 1) 955

Having your own government carry out a false-flag terrorist attack to remove your liberties is never worth anything. As for the ridiculous "And if it turns out that he just blew what might have prevented several 9/11 level attacks?" comment in parent post.. no, spying on citizens will not prevent your government from carrying out false-flag attacks, specially when the goal of those false-flag attacks is to remove civil liberties & start wars.

Comment Too used to GNU/Linux to switch (Score 4, Interesting) 1215

I've heard this Windows thing has become better, much much better, since Windows 95. I've seen it on other peoples computer and it looks real nice. What's keeping me off trying this Windows thing is that I'm really happy with my computer as it is, I have the software I need and it's stable and I get what I need to get done. I've also got the impression that this Windows this is very limited when it comes to the command line (which I use all the time), multiple virtual desktops, good editors and so on. But I may be wrong, all these things and more may exist in the Windows world - I haven't really paid much attention to what's going on there, but I do have the impression that Windows has become a lot better since I switched.

Comment Everybody does it, all NATO countries atleast (Score 1) 104

..and it's been going on for years. I posted about the false-flag terrorist operation September 11th 2001 in a Norwegian forum. Some guy sent me a private message there asking for more details about what I knew about it. I gave him a specially crafted link to one of my webservers and it was interesting, but not very shocking, to see this "17 year student" visiting from IP - which belongs to the Norwegian military. I suspect most countries has a disinformation / "cyperspace" unit. It's all jolly to talk about how they do this in Thailand here in the west, but cyberwar and torture of people who write "wrong things" on the Internet, like Norway does on a regular basis, is apparently not newsworthy in the "free" western world.

Comment Google loves to ban things (Score 1) 151

I got a e-mail warning about this page today:

"Google ads may not be displayed on adult or mature content. This includes displaying ads on pages that provide links for or drive traffic to adult or mature sites."

Google typically claims "adult or mature content" if you write about NATOs false-flag terrorist operations or other sensitive subjects, I'm used to that. But in this case I'm having a very hard time figuring out why google thinks a list of old poems is "adult or mature" content. Why Google Glass is banned from their shareholder meeting is anyone's guess, but it does make sense, google loves to censor and hates free speech. Just look at all the sites missing from their search index. If anyone can make a guess why old poems is "adult or mature" content then please help me out.

Comment Re:Remoting (Score 0) 240

That's one of the reasons Wayland isn't investing effort into duplicating functionality that's in X11. It's no longer needed.

Same genious logic says that Bash and terminals in general are no longer needed now that we've got GUIs. News for you: Lots of people use the command line and removing it would be arrogant and as stupid as your "no longer needed" argument.

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