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Comment Re:Other Chinese Companies are Worse (Score 0) 201

Apple didn't promise to make those industries behave.

And, your precious Android phone as well as most of your other electronics come from places the same or even much worse.

This is a serious subject, but the "story" such that it is, is clearly just anti-Apple fan-boi blather, and thus virtually meaningless.

Comment Re:I wonder if... (Score 5, Insightful) 435

Cuban exiles are a big voting block in a big battleground state, , but obviously somebody decided to risk kicking this hornets' nest ...

The Cuban Exiles have never voted Democrat / Liberal, and have always been rabid right-wingers politically. I lived in Miami for a few years and learned that although certainly not a majority on the area, they are very vocal locally.

These people would never vote Democrat anyway, so they are not Obama's audience.

Comment Hmmmmm. Interesting decision history... (Score 1) 280

I graduated with a degree in the liberal arts (English) in 2010 after having transferred from a Microbiology program (not for lack of ability ) ...

Wow. Just wow.

Well, *in my opinion* unless you go back for another degree (and even then), you will need at least something to show some level of skill.

Perhaps work on an Open Source project?

Comment Re:Imagine that! (Score 1) 191

Google don't make any money directly because they don't have ads on the site...

Any service that brings traffic to Google, will - perhaps in other ways - bring money to Google. Google does not provide "free services", and in this case, the "rights holders" in Spain not only want free, they want Google to pay so that they, the "rights holders" in Spain can not only make money on Google traffic, but make Google pay for the "right" to them.

Of course it is complete bullshit, as the Spaniards had now concluded...

Comment Re:Modded "Troll" because it's true? (Score -1, Offtopic) 230

I suspect you were modded "Troll" because you were trolling, you stupid pathetic little shit.

I suspect you are posting as an "Anonymous Coward" because you have no balls.

I accept my mods, you on the otherhand, are clearly a "karma whore" who shoses to post as Anon because you don't want to get your precious Slashdot Karma modded down.

On the therhand, I speak my mind, and am usueally in the "excellent" range, though sometimes the sheep here push me down to "good?

You are fake, I am real.

Live with it.

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