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Comment Re:As with all space missions: (Score 1) 200

"Okay, a fundamental question then... What's the mission? "
Develop technologies the make life here better? learn more about human biology beyond earth. Make another step to spreading our species, Conduct better tests on captures particle. Control descent to the planet with sensors. Look for life in the upper atmosphere.

Comment Re:Not a cargo ship (Score 4, Informative) 116

You're numbers aren't even close:

3.6 million tonnes a year, projected.

1 million metric tons LNG = 52 trillion Btus

3.6 * 52 trillion
that's about 175 trillion BTUs.

Current price ~10 dollars per million BTU.

1.75 Billion a year, BEFORE cost of operation.

Once again, when not using made up numbers, Green energies are the same.

Comment Re:Fix (Score 1) 137

War? You mean, like, with weapons and shit?

Don't be silly. Today you don't go to a "hot" war with an enemy of similar strength, with a coequal opponent you go for an economic style of war. Literally so.

The goal is not to bomb them back into the stone age. Only to fleece them. I.e. pretty much what has been going on the past decade or so.

Welcome to the new war.

Comment Re:Depends... (Score 1) 170

or the average contemporary game talking to its "always on" server, encrypted to avoid cracks. Or the average MMO communicating with its server, encrypted to make botting harder. Or maybe games isn't interesting enough, how about an encrypted VPN connection tunneling a Windows/XWindow session?

Voice is by no stretch the only real time dependent form of communication.

Comment Long live capitalism! (Score 1) 388

If A breaks or gets broken, B will emerge to fill the void.

For reference, see content. When content for sale was broken past its usefulness by DRM, download pages popped up left and right where you could get it not only in better quality (no unskipable ads, no "always on" online connection for offline playing...), even the price was better!

Comment Re:My what impressive sources you have! (Score 1) 388

Will you also be quoting the National Enquirer in your quest to demonize anyone questioning the MPAA and/or Sony's behavior?

MPAA's asshattery does not justify cyber-vigilantism (best case), cyber-terrorism (worst case), and threats of physical violence.

Do you believe that vigilantism is always wrong?

In this case? With regards to an industry that could be killed tomorrow if enough people simply voted with their wallet? Yes, I do think it's wrong.

Comment Re:This needs to stop ... (Score 1) 388

I'm not part of Hollywood dude. I rarely go to the movies; maybe 2 or 3 times a year. I own less than 10 DVDs; how many movies are really good enough that you care to re-watch them with enough frequency to justify owning them? My television service comes from an antenna and that exists primarily so I have access to local news.

My issue here is with the spineless theaters that are actually going to pull the movie over vague online threats. Because of that I am going to reward the nearest one that chooses to screen the movie despite these threats. If I happen to be dating someone at the time who is into this sort of lowest common denominator comedy I'll take them with; $20 is a worthwhile investment to get laid. Otherwise I go by myself. The 2nd Amendment comment was mostly "because I can", not because I actually think I'll need my legally carried firearm, though the saying "It's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it." comes to mind. :)

Comment Re:This needs to stop ... (Score 1) 388

It will be a stinker. But I view this the same way I viewed Comedy Central's cowardice regarding the South Park episodes with Muhammad in them. Free speech is the defining civil liberty of Western Civilization. We used to regard it as something worth fighting and dying for. Now we're so cowardly that we pull movies from being screened over vague online threats by undefined groups that most likely lack any ability to back up those threats or even to encourage lone wolves (as could have theoretically happened with South Park) to do the same.

I will be going to see this movie, wherever it screens, even that entails a significant drive or other inconvenience on my part. If the movie sucks as badly as I think it will I'll just play with my cell phone for two hours. And since some assholes have gone and made threats I'll be exercising my 2nd Amendment rights at the same time.

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