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Comment Re:About time. (Score 1) 309

Why does base load generators help when the load is not flat? And the load is far from flat.

You will need peak power plants either way. Whether you run them because the load is too high for the nuclear power stations or because the wind has died down for a while does not matter.

Comment Re:Linux distributions that don't use systemd (Score 1) 471

It is not a realistic prospect. For daemons, the automatic handling by systemd is so much of an advantage that we will see server software depending on it. It will have to be emulated by the other init daemons, and so far I have not seen any of them work in that direction.

For GUI stuff, GNOME is already partially dependent on systemd, and KDE is going that way too.

Comment Re:Datacaps? (Score 1) 132

The only "throttling" you get is at peak times due to network congestion, but even then i'am still unable to see any service impact or major delay.

There is no excuse for having congestion in your network on a daily or weekly. It can happen once in a blue moon when a line becomes unexpectedly busy, but it should never be the normal mode of operations.

At least not in a pretend-first-world-country where it is easy to lay backbone fiber.

Comment Re:call me skeptical (Score 1) 360

Of course there is. One powerful negative feedback is that CO2 lets less and less infrared radiation escape, so every new added CO2 atom in the atmosphere has less effect than the previous one -- it cannot block radiation which was already blocked by other CO2 atoms.

This is part of the reason why doubling of CO2 levels "only" causes a linear temperature rise. CO2 only has a logarithmic effect on the temperature.

Which is lucky. Anything more complex than bacteria would have trouble surviving the wild temperature swings that a linear correlation between CO2 and temperature would cause.

Comment Re:SOME visitors (Score 1) 56

And then you try to open a mainstream news site, like the Washington Times article linked to earlier, and you are presented with a full-page list of sites the page wants to load content from. It turns out the CSS one is washtimes.com, and that is all that was actually required.

I wish requestpolicy would label links by how they got pulled in (CSS, image, script...)

Comment It is just Carrier Grade NAT (Score 1) 159

Plenty of people get RFC 1918 or RFC 6598 instead of public addresses from their ISP. I would guess that the majority of internet connections in the world are given private space.

It is not common in the US because the US is still drowning in IP addresses, and a lot of the customers are using cable or DSL. In Europe you will often be behind CGN when you use a mobile ISP, and in Asia you will likely be behind CGN no matter how you connect.

Welcome to 2015.

(Of course most ISP's do not hand out browsers at all, much less browsers which are remote controlled from a server somewhere. It is hardly a surprise that North Korea does.)

Comment Re:Mathematics (Score 1) 79

Chrony is a complete working implementation of the NTP protocol. NTPD gets its knickers in a twist at the slightest excuse and sometimes ends up stepping the time even though it has perfectly good Internet connectivity and a reasonably good internal clock. Chrony keeps steady time even if Internet access is intermittent. It never gets confused and picks a falseticker pretending to be stratum one instead of a stratum 3 with correct time, unlike NTPD.

It even has interfaces to GPS clocks or other hardware clocks, so you can run your stratum 1 server on Chrony if you want.

Comment Re:Fix NTP (Score 1) 289

Time zones are fine. Astronomers are not to blame for those. Astronomers ARE to blame for the mess that is UTC. Give them UTC and UT1, and move all civil time to TAI with time zones. Change time zones when the offset gets too large (which is pretty large, considering that China does just fine in a single time zone -- they somehow survive that the sun is not precisely above them at 12.)

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