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Comment Re:When the cat's absent, the mice rejoice (Score 2) 286

The OP was perfectly clear. It's worrying that so many people will handwave away child abuse as "not that serious" while calling for the investigator's head on a plate.

Proportionality is the key, but the anti-government crowd here cannot conceive of any government employee's over-enthusiasm as other than the start of the Apocalypse.

Comment Re:BTW, this proves piracy is irrelevant for artis (Score 2) 610

Many years ago Courtney Love wrote on ("Courtney Love does the math") that she was not bothered with P2P distribution of her music, as in fact CD sales were not a source of income for artists.

I assume she was basing this on her own CDs , and indeed the royalties on 37 worldwide sales is probably cancelled out by the clerical, stationery and postage charges incurred by the record company.

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