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Comment Re:Isn't there, though? (Score 1) 179

I'll admit I haven't ever used an Apple product and so don't know the details of how iMessage works, plus it's 3 am and I can't sleep. However, I don't recall other Apple devices being mentioned, rather a PHONE NUMBER being moved from one kind of phone to another - and suddenly what people may have THOUGHT were SMS messages suddenly not appearing. If they were receiving the messages on their iPad, iPod or Mac instead there wouldn't be as much of a problem with going days without getting any messages and not knowing something was wrong, right?

Comment Re:The court is right (Score 1) 427

no-one having an alternative plan yet that appears to be as effective at getting new works produced and distributed, I guess.

Let people who like to make art (paintings, stories, music, whatever) do so because they like to do so without expecting it to let their great-grandchildren live like royalty - that's not what 'royalties' mean.

Culture isn't about mass-producing music that is, essentially, all the same, or producing movies and books that all follow pretty much the same script.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 2, Insightful) 2219

The thing is that we all know how easy it is to direct the feedback channel to /dev/null/ and not heed it. The beta has been labelled as useless for as long as I can remember, so when suddenly we got warning that it would become default and the classic version would go away there was only one option left - rioting to be seen.

It's like the four boxes; the Slashdot management just made the ammo box seem a lot more appealing than the ballot box and soap box combined.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
