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Comment Re:On fundamentalists (Score 1) 13

I hope i am not making judgement calls in the JE. I just wanted to convey my state of mind.

No, didn't sound judgmental to me, just wanted to offer my view of how diverse the mores of American Evangelical Fundamentalists can be (my view from having been in a fundamentalist community for a long time).

I would have expected a high correlation between the the Conservative Dress bucket and Non-Believers bucket.

I think there is a correlation so your expectation is justified, but there are all sorts of surprises from individual sects.

I also wonder about that cursing thing. She was scared of me thinking i might curse her. Where did that even come from?

That is very strange, who knows whether it was just childish imagination, doctrine or culture from the home or the church, or what?

Comment Re:I don't understand the problem here. (Score 1) 260

Just design it to be 64.1 times more dense. I'm not an electrical engineer, but i would think a little advanced materials application should move the ball at least half way towards to goal, and I'm sure that there is already non-commercially viable means to do just that. Applying engineering to get the rest of the way should push the cost of the first half down further.

Unless someone is pushing the ball, progress may stall. I see this as Google pushing the ball, and that by itself might be worth it.

Comment Re:Wait, wait... (Score 1) 132

Business is neither moral, nor immoral but AMORAL. People are either moral, or immoral, they are not amoral. Everyone is a hypocrite, at some point will violate their own moral code. This is called situational ethics, and is popular in politics.

If your personal code of ethics prevents you from doing business with people who are hypocritical(evil, bad, immoral etc), then you'll be doing business with nobody, The best you can do is do business with people who support your ideals more often that the other guys.

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