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Journal Journal: Facebook doesn't want you to know why Jeanne Mansfield was Maced 11

I posted the Boston Review story Why I Was Maced at the Wall Street Protests by Jeanne Mansfield to my Facebook wall, and it faithfully appeared ("via Links") on my wall. When my friends saw the update, however, they did not get the link. So I posted it again, and the same thing happened. And I posted the URL in a comment, and the comment disappeared. So then I posted the URL with spaces in it in another comment, and the comment did not disappear. Facebook is deliberately filtering comments containing the URL for the story. This is hardly conclusive evidence, of course. They could just be massively incompetent. Sorry, not buying it any more, not since they started releasing their code.

User Journal

Journal Journal: an open letter to gawker media 8

I am never going to allow you to run scripts on my computer from your various domains. If you weren't incompetent you would come up with a way to show me the ads anyway. They're called text ads. I don't need your content. I hope you die in a fire. I would never even notice you and your sophomoric stories if my friends didn't keep posting them to failbook. Please explode. Thank you.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Suggestion for 8

It would be nice to have the karma scores on each reply to your posts here, so that you can get a sense if replies are worth reading. Also it would be really nice to have a link to on the masthead.
User Journal

Journal Journal: teh google+ 3

I'm digging G+ more and more. Feel free to add me to your whatever circles. I have a "/.ers" circle.

my g+ profile

User Journal

Journal Journal: To Developers of "Forsaken World" 7

You are incompetent douchebags. If your registration form didn't repeatedly submit itself to an invalid URL I might consider trying your game. Idiots.

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