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Comment Is my memory failing or ... (Score 1) 116

Before I got a Sysop account at Compuserve, I paid $9.95 if memory serves.
All the companies were there to download updates from, you could download libraries, utilities, examples, FAQs and Howtos, talk with the programmers, whine to the quality assurance people, you could buy books, jeans and coffee an some other stuff, play multiplayer games (all text) send email to the world, read usenet newsgroups, get email newsletters (tweets with no limit, for the young whippersnappers amongst you) and later also use the web.

Why would people pay the double for what exactly?
Do I have to RTFA for that? :-)

Comment Re:If there have been signs..... (Score 2) 136

"I am surprised that people still want to use OpenVMS. "

Most Railways electronic Dispatching Systems run on OpenVMS, even the latest versions.

It's a bit like the Space Shuttle, you can't change anything without a crapload of red tape.

The only thing I don't understand in the article, is that they have been running it on x86 systems for 10 years.

Comment Easy (Score 1) 88

"... the body they see does the same (those electrical stimulators mildly shock muscles to force a friend to mirror the user's movements). It's an imperfect system, but a fascinating example of the power of virtual reality. What else might we use VR systems for?"

Are you kidding? Brainwashing!

My guess is strapping somebody on a bench with an OR and giving him violent electroshocks to the testicles each time they see a Qur'an or a half-moon in their virtual reality and an electric orgasm if they see ham and ribs, is the first thing SOME people are going to do.

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