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Comment Re:Lamar Smith, Christian Scientist (Score 1) 198


Yeah, yeah

Marco Rubio, (R-FL)

Among the faith-deranged, Rubio stands out. He briefly dumped one magic book for another, converting from Roman Catholicism to Mormonism and then back again. (Reporters take note: This is faith-fueled flip-flopping, which surely indicates a damning character flaw to be investigated. Flip-flopping of a different sort helped sink John Kerry’s 2004 presidential bid.) Yet even as a re-minted Catholic, Rubio cheats on the Pope with a megachurch in Miami called Christ Fellowship. As religion and politics blogger Bruce Wilson points out, Christ Fellowship is a hotbed of “demonology and exorcism, Young Earth creationism, and denial of evolution,” and is so intolerant it demands its prospective employees certify they are not “practicing homosexuals” and don’t cheat on their spouses. (Check out its manifesto under “About Us – What We Believe.”) As regards evolution, Rubio confesses that he’s “not a scientist” and so cannot presume to judge the fact of evolution on its merits, and holds that creationism should be taught in schools as just one of many “multiple theories” about our origins.

Representative Paul Broun (R-GA). Young Earth creationist and former member of the fucking House Committee on Science.

Here's a quote from a 2012 speech that Rep Broun gave:

"All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the Big Bang Theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell. And it’s lies to try to keep me and all the folks who were taught that from understanding that they need a savior. You see, there are a lot of scientific data that I’ve found out as a scientist that actually show that this is really a young Earth. I don’t believe that the Earth’s but about 9,000 years old. I believe it was created in six days as we know them. That’s what the Bible says."

And, Mr. "Where is the Proof", if you don't believe my quote, here is a video of Rep Broun's entire speech:

Oh wait, the link doesn't work because it was taken down eight months before the 2014 elections.

But as long as we're rolling with Rep Broun, here's another quote from the same speech:

"And what I’ve come to learn is that it’s the manufacturer’s handbook, is what I call it. It teaches us how to run our lives individually, how to run our families, how to run our churches. But it teaches us how to run all of public policy and everything in society. And that’s the reason as your congressman I hold the Holy Bible as being the major directions to me of how I vote in Washington, D.C., and I’ll continue to do that."

[In 2014, Rep Broun left office to run for Saxby Chambliss' Senate seat from Georgia. May God have mercy on our souls.]

If you want more examples, I can provide them, but I've used up enough space doing simple Google searches that you could have done for yourself.

Comment Re:Kids playing free to play (Score 1) 229

They've got the time (and their parent's PC) to do it, just not the money.

Here's how it's done:

"Mom, Dad, I've developed a serious interest in creating resources for games. It will increase my artistic skill and understanding of how games are built and developed. Plus it's great fun, and it allows me to be a valued member of a community of other creative types. Of course, I'll always finish my homework and chores first, but do you think you could spend the price of a Grande Mochachino at the next Steam sale so I can reach the threshold which allows me to participate in this wholesome, educational and character-building activity? It's a one-time cost for a lifetime of fun and educational activity."

Now, if it's not worth the effort and social engineering required to pull this off, then your hypothetical child of the parents with the means to buy a computer capable of running games and yet is too poor to spend $5 on a game probably lacks the will to actually be a good member of the community.

Right this minute, you can go get Don't Starve, plus the Reign of Giants DLC for $6.45. This is a great game for the Mod Workshop and has an active and engaged community. And that one-time expense opens up the entire Steam universe of F2P games.

Comment Re:Didn't Caller ID used to have names? (Score 1) 78

I'd think I was crazy except my parents still have a landline, and when someone calls them the name for that number pops right up.

Of course it does.

Who even answers calls except the ones coming from people they know? What, are you expecting Publisher's Clearing House to call with your sweepstakes winnings? This is what voice mail is for, and I don't even have to listen to the calls because my voice mails are transcribed.

If a call comes from a local hospital, I'd pick up in case something happened to my wife or daughter, but other than that, I just tell Android to hold all my calls. I'm a busy man, I don't have time for chit chat.

It's funny, but I'm so used to ignoring incoming calls that when I play GTA V, and one of the other characters calls me about a heist or something, I barely react to the sound of the phone ringing. I'm like, "Hell, just text me with the location of the heist and leave me alone". I gotta go get a haircut, and I'm thinking about getting that three-rail fade or maybe cornrows.

Comment Re:Lamar Smith, Christian Scientist (Score 4, Insightful) 198

It's funny, but it does appear that knowledge, whether "critical" or not, is simply kryptonite to American conservatives. They get so damn mad when somebody wants to find something out. They all cry "waste" while passing continuing resolution after continuing resolution that funds anything and everything that can possibly make the maximum number of people dead and the maximum number of their friends rich.

Comment Re:I thought Repub's were uncertain about the clim (Score 4, Insightful) 198

Or maybe they just decided that enough money has already been wasted on this junk science, and see it for what it really is.....

You mean the same guys who banned AP History classes because they, "make America look bad"?

And how would Republicans know junk science, anyway? As they are fond of saying when asked about climate change or evolution or vaccinations or whether the Earth revolves around the Sun, "Well, I'm not a scientist". I mean, they're not generals either, but they all sure got an opinion on whether or not we should bomb Iran, ain't they? They're not God, but they sure as shit think they know what "God wants".

Those are the fucking people you trust to know good science from bad science? Jeez louise, I wouldn't trust them to know a graduated cylinder from their fuzzy pink asses.

Comment Re:Is this submission for real?! (Score 2) 198

There are basically three Slashdot submitters that put out this kind of stuff. They're the same ones that put out the, "SJWs are ruining technology!" stories every Friday and the "Boy, those egghead scientists don't know a goddamn thing" stories mid-week.

I noticed the pattern at the beginning of the year, but it probably has gone on longer than that. It's basically click-bait for the Fox News/8chan crowd.

Comment Re:No cuts are ever possible (Score 4, Informative) 198

because every area facing cuts is always "critical".

Like this one?

Over three-quarters of a TRILLION dollars on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter that,

In 2008, two analysts at the RAND Corporation, a California think-tank that works closely with the military, programmed a computer simulation to test out the F-35s fighting ability in a hypothetical air war with China. The results were startling.

“The F-35 is double-inferior,” John Stillion and Harold Scott Perdue concluded in their written summary of the war game, later leaked to the press. The new plane “can’t turn, can’t climb, can’t run,” they warned.

$59.2B for development, $261B for procurement, $590B for operations & sustainment in 2012

For something that no one in the military actually wants.

Comment Re:Old? Old. (Score 1) 69

What's the Aussie connection to the Windy City?

They think we're all connected to the Mafia, of course. You know, Al Capone and all that stuff. My Italian surname must have fired their imaginations, even though I assured them I hadn't tommygunned anyone in years.

I had (and this is 100% true) one guy ask me if I thought he could get "work" with the Chicago Mob if he came here. He was a big lad with neck muscles that started above his ears and three different women's names tattooed to his arms. I started to tell him it doesn't really work like that, but he was so earnest that I just couldn't break his heart.

The funny part is that these were academics and graduate students at the University of Melbourne. I thought I was hanging with some rugby players or a motorcycle club until one of the guys started talking some graduate seminar he was teaching.

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