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Comment Re:Most degrees from India... (Score 4, Insightful) 264

We have Indian applicants for the web developer jobs we have open at the moment, and invariably they all seem to have achieved degrees with honours in less than 2 years, often more than one degree in the same time. I refuse to believe that any degree achievable in less time than an equivalent UK degree is worth anything, let alone two.

And then, the number of those applicants who then claim to have achieved another major qualification in a London college or university in only a few months... Especially when you can link those London colleges to visa fraud stories in the national media.

It would take a lot for me to take an Indian graduate at face value.

Comment Re:Here's MY test (Score 4, Insightful) 522

> But in practice we have half the population who are capable of programming but who are severely underrepresented

That's a totally unsupported assumption.

It also ignores the question of DESIRE. It completely degrades half of the population by stripping them of any sort of free will at all.

That's the whole problem with these do-gooder crusades that fixate this kind of "imbalance" while ignoring the the imbalances in the skilled trades or nursing.

Comment Re:Competing with government-sanctioned monopolies (Score 2) 185

The main reason that distribution became a monopoly was due to the over crowding of spaces with dozens of companies running their lines - take a look at the following link for an example:


To stop the over crowding, power companies were forced to merge and de-clutter the streets.

Comment Re:Amazing post (Score 1) 496

"Working out" really burns very little in terms of energy unless you are overdoing it like Arnold Schwarzenneger. You aren't going to get a sufficient calorie deficit just from exercise.

The main value of exercise is sabotaging your body's starvation response.

Otherwise, your body will just adapt to the famine. That's what it is designed to do.

Comment Re:It's simple. Eat less and eat less crap (Score 1) 496

ANY effective weight loss is going to be counter to your instincts. You will have to fight your inner animal. It won't be easy. It WILL be unpleasant.

STARVING is never fun.

Your inner animal is basically holding it's breath for the duration.

If it were easy, anyone could do it and it wouldn't be such a problem.

Comment Re:easy (Score 1) 61

Barclay: Computer, begin new program. Create as follows: workstation chair. Now, create a standard alphanumeric console, positioned for the left hand. Now an iconic display console, positioned for the right hand. Tie both consoles into the Enterprise main computer core, utilizing neural-scan interface.
Enterprise Computer: There is no such device on file.
Barclay: No problem. Here's how you build it.

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