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Comment Yeah, so far... (Score 1) 441

A king who's been dead for 5000 years from Egypt is out in front in this race. We still know THAT guy's name! This guy, I have to scroll back up to the top of the article to remember this one. Sounds like he wouldn't mind having 10000 slaves build him a pyramid, but might be having some trouble motivating them to. His efforts, of course, will be as useless as that dead king's. People have been trying to cheat death as long as there have been people, and all those people are dead. At each point along that time line, they've always used the most modern technologies money could buy. Didn't matter. Dead, every one of 'em. I'm not a bettin' man. Well, actually, I am. And I'll put my chips on Death every time. Will this time be any different? Obviously HGH and The Paleo Diet are WAY more advanced than the humors and mercury the last guy shot himself full of. Oh... heh heh heh, sorry, sometimes I kill myself...

Here's an idea, why not try actually living for a while instead of cowering in fear of the reaper? Why waste your entire life living in fear of something you can't do anything about? Just take what you have, squeeze everything you can out of it and laugh in Death's face when he comes for you.

Comment Re:Dementia will get'm long before 120 (Score 1) 441

> He's 47. He's got more than two decades before those are likely to affect him.

That's just a guess. He could be caught off guard by something manifesting before the "designated time". There probably isn't even enough suitable diagnostic procedures to screen for all of the possibilities.

Just because something usually hits after people are 65 doesn't mean that it will necessarily only hit YOU after you're 65. Those are just averages and people fall outside those averages.

On a certain level we are all unique snowflakes. We are all one-off forks of a massively complex biological code base. We don't understand that entire code base yet.

Comment Re:Another paleo-wanker... (Score 3, Insightful) 441

Ultimately, you can't be a slave to any ideology or fad. You have to actually have some self knowledge. You need to observe yourself and adjust accordingly.

We are not factory stamped duplicates. We are each a very complicated machine each a fork of some very complex bio-mechanical software. The idea that we are not all the same should be obvious to anyone on this site.

The idea that some of us thrive on habits that would be bad for others should be not terribly controversial.

You just have to be methodical and make the observations and sort yourself out and not blindly follow anything else.


How Venture Capitalist Peter Thiel Plans To Live 120 Years 441 writes Bloomberg News reports that venture capitalist and paypal co-founder Peter Thiel has a plan to reach 120 years of age. His secret — taking human growth hormone (HGH) every day, a special Paleo diet, and a cure for cancer within ten years. "[HGH] helps maintain muscle mass, so you're much less likely to get bone injuries, arthritis," says Thiel. "There's always a worry that it increases your cancer risk but — I'm hopeful that we'll get cancer cured in the next decade." Human growth hormone also known as somatotropin or somatropin, is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction and regeneration in humans and other animals. Thiel says he also follows a Paleo diet, doesn't eat sugar, drinks red wine and runs regularly. The Paleolithic diet, also popularly referred to as the caveman diet, Stone Age diet and hunter-gatherer diet, is a modern nutritional diet designed to emulate, insofar as possible using modern foods, the diet of wild plants and animals eaten by humans during the Paleolithic era. Thiel's Founders Fund is also investing in a number of biotechnology companies to extend human lifespans, including Stem CentRx Inc., which uses stem cell technology for cancer therapy. With the 70 plus years remaining him and inspired by "Atlas Shrugged," Thiel also plans to launch a floating sovereign nation in international waters, freeing him and like-minded thinkers to live by libertarian ideals with no welfare, looser building codes, no minimum wage, and few restrictions on weapons.

Comment Re:Slashdot sociopaths... (Score 2) 187

What suffering? If it's a modern zoo then they were doing everything they could to make this animal feel as comfortable as possible. The lack of gawkers might be a bit of an improvement. However, the do-gooders really only traded one guilded cage for another one.

The creature in question has no real legal rights or self-determination in either case.

This creature has just had one master traded for another. Beyond the sensationalist headline, this situation is really indistinguishable from a sales transaction.

This ape is still being treated as someone's property. Except it's now some class of person. Great precedent there.

Comment Re:Monkey Business (Score 3, Informative) 187

She's still just an inmate. She's still being held against her will and being treated as a sub-human. The conditions might not even be that much better.

That all boils down to how primitive zoos are in Brazil.

Even if she were due some "big fat settlement" in a manner similar to a wrongfully convicted criminal, she still is in no position to manage it. Trying to pretend that she's a person really doesn't change this.

She has had no say in this process.

Comment Re:Monkey Business (Score 5, Insightful) 187

This leads to an obvious followup question...

If this ape is a person then who is responsible for his care and feeding? Normally, an adult person is responsible for their own care and feeding including any required payment.

Will he be on the dole? Will he manage his own money? Will he do his own grocery shopping and cooking? Will he have a lease? Does he know he's supposed to use the toilet? Can he use the toilet? Can he manage putting on his own diapers if not?

Is this ape going to get a job? Or will it still remain effectively a sub-human in a different type of cage?

It looks like not much really changed here...

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