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The Matrix

Journal Journal: Your assignment 35

The assignment of the week is to write a paragraph telling me what you believe and why you believe it.

It's just like an older assignment, but this is the twist:

You are not to write a paragraph describing an opinion that you actually believe. You are to write the paragraph from a perspective that you do not actually believe.

With this excercise, I'm trying to determine who is a human, and who is merely human-shaped.

I will grade each item A, B, C, D, or F.

PC Games (Games)

Journal Journal: Final answer 23

The winnar of the last question was insanecarbonbasedlif (623558) for the question of what a racist is. The answer insight-fully disconnected a racist from mere actions; linking a racist to a relationship with a racist system.

A racist is a person who supports or enables a racist system

There's an interesting consequence of this definition. You don't have to be prejudiced or bigoted to be a racist. All you have to do to be a racist is to participate in a racist system, benefit from it, and do nothing to stop it.

Now all you bitches who were complaining about my other definitions, which were relatively uncontroversial, REALLY have something to bitch about.

PC Games (Games)

Journal Journal: Trolls 11

The whole fucking bunch of yous motherfuckers are fucking goddamn trolls.

I can't even try to be serious in a journal for one second without motherfuckers trolling relentlessly. When I'm trolling, nobody bats an eye. When I'm serious, you assholes propose that my serious questions are an act. Schtick.

Can't even get good feedback on my ideas, other than some fucking trollish smartass responses. Absolutely USELESS. Worthless trolls.

It is my honor to have you cunts in my friends and fans lists.

PC Games (Games)

Journal Journal: What the fuck is justice? 24

This one was even more disappointing than the last. The one very feeble attempt to define justice didn't even come close.

I'll just give you the answer.

Justice is a property of society which specifies the correlation between positive citizenship and reward.

The term "positive citizenship" is meant to be a culturally nonspecific term which means whatever a culture or nation or society considers to be a meaningfully positive mode of being a citizen of the country.

It does assume that the cultural notions of what it means to be a positive citizen are normative. i.e. In North Korea, what they consider to be positive citizenship is not what most people would think of.

In plain terms, justice is a measure of how well people are able to work hard, contribute to society, etc. and how well they are able to be rewarded for their efforts. In an unjust society, a person would work hard and not be rewarded for their labors. Or, they might receive punishments which are undeserved. Or, they may not have an opportunity to contribute to society at all.

Justice too often is thought of only as dishing out proper punishments that fit certain crimes. It cannot be forgotten that justice is also about proper rewards that fit positive citizenship.

This may make the definition of racism given previously a bit clearer. Without understanding justice, you cannot understand racism.

To repeat myself: Racism is a systematic injustice with a racial attribute.

PC Games (Games)

Journal Journal: Too few of you got this 27

Racism is a systematic injustice with a racial attribute.

Racism is about INJUSTICE. The racial attribute is only a descriptor of how the injustice is expressed.

Now, the second part.

Everybody gets a chance to define the word JUSTICE.

After that, we can either fight or fuck, your choice.

PC Games (Games)

Journal Journal: Racism 35

What is it. Define it for me.

And my personal fascism troll had BETTER have the best answer.

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