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Comment Re:Why the fuck is mobile browsing so bad? (Score 1) 47

Even the 12 column adaptive design currently undertaken by many only works for certain styles of websites. In some cases, the content just doesn't morph well, in others it cannot. If "designers" would just let HTML be HTML and live within it, they'd be much better off. Sometimes a large page I can zoom and pan is perfectly fine.

Comment Re:Health Insurance (Score 1) 553

I forgot to mention the age discrimination piece: in the US, the only legal discrimination by a company in services provided is allowed in the insurance industry. Driving insurance doesn't consider years licensed, miles driven, or anything meaningful related to actual driving, but instead your gender and age. Health and life insurance both discriminate not only on gender and age, but your parents dying before 75 and a host of other irrelevant facts, especially if you're adopted for example.

Comment Re:Health Insurance (Score 1) 553

I like the joining part concept, but I'm stating that essentially single-payer health care (tax-payer supported) for at least that base level is all that is acceptable.

The alternative truly is "let them die unless they prove they have insurance". Resolving that initial concept is most important because without resolution you can have no meaningful conversation about the rest of the issue.

The base coverage I mention is easily budgeted, because historically this number is relatively steady and predictable for a suitably large population with known composition.

Comment Re:Health Insurance (Score 1) 553

Sorry, doesn't work that way, unless you're going to withhold emergency medical assistance until proof of insurance is provided, allowing potentially insured individuals to die. Otherwise you're supporting the concept of universal health care as I pretty much describe it above. There is no grey area on this one, much as some like to think.

Comment Health Insurance (Score 4, Insightful) 553

The real issue behind the "young movement" and a way to stop it cold is to deal with health insurance. Disallow health insurance to use age as a pricing factor, and watch how quickly the job market changes. I had a buddy that just went to an interview, and was flat out told that they have too many "old" people in the company and require some 20-somethings. Their insurance rates were too high.

In fact, I'd go so far as to state that basic health insurance (wellness visits, accident coverage, and basic illness diagnosis) should be 1 price for everyone, with no disqualifications allowed, with some base high deductible capped coverage for general illnesses. This would be relatively cheap as it stands today. Then additional coverage for whatever as we have today could be purchased on top.

Comment Re:Plot Hole (Score 2) 179

How can you miss the entire story - the whole plot line was to keep the whereabouts of the ring hidden, distract Sauron and company, and get the ring into Mt Doom. Flying eagles (which Sauron would be able to see) would just instantly attract his attention and locate the ring. Mission over.

OK, my geek card is burning.

Comment Re:Suicide mission (Score 1) 1097

Atheism is a label others apply to those that don't subscribe to one or more sets of recognized cultists. Some categorized as atheists may have beliefs, but a true atheist doesn't really think or call themselves "an atheist". They usually call themselves "David", "John", "Sue".... There are exceptions, of course.

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