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Comment Re:AI is not just a look-up program. (Score 1) 417

Well said and summarized. I'd agree that AI is thrown around way more than it should be. I blame games for that. At best, most are simple state machines reacting to input, but they're called "AI". There's not a lick of intelligence nor randomness about how they work, unless you count the random choice for motion or a specific action chosen out of a preset set.

Comment Re:Very much so! (Score 1) 641

It wasn't merely the mangled names, but the complete crap-fest and lack of organized rules on how that was to be handled, and what to do when limits were exceeded during compilation/linking. Yes, if compilation results in a name that can't effectively be linked, perhaps a warning might be in order? I've gone a different route and although you should never say never, I doubt I'll be facing that particular problem again. My current focus with anything C/C++ would either be to integrate to it, or convert it to something else, not write meaningful new code in it.

I agree with Stroustrup that templates could have been better, IMHO a whole lot better.

Comment Re:programming (Score 1) 417

How did it happen with people (maybe questionable in some cases) and quite possibly a few other mammals, and who knows what other "animals". We haven't defined "awareness" to a reasonable extent to be able to identify it accurately. But, the point Musk and others made is not to describe awareness, but what it means should we create such a thing in a wide-open environment like the internet. Quibbling about definitions is getting crushed by the avalanche while studying a slightly interesting pebble.

Comment Re:Very much so! (Score 1) 641

That's truly disappointing to hear. Hopefully it's no longer link order dependent as well? The only thing I can say that was a positive out of the 3 months spent tracking down why something worked in all test cases but sporadically failed for the full models on SGI machines was I learned to read compiler output (subsequently mostly forgotten for C anyways) The fact that it took days to validate small models on PCs and IBM boxes which wound up giving alternate results, depending upon which compilers were used added to the problem. Turned out that different limit lengths per compiler of pointer descriptors truncated the name, and when the name mangling exceeded the compiler/linker output, you got some interesting results out of your pointers, like the next object in the array instead of the one you were expecting, or perhaps some random area in memory, since the apps were not restricted in those days.

Comment Re:Very much so! (Score 2) 641

But C++ is a thousand times more than "C with objects". And even when it comes to objects, the most important ones aren't the ones you make yourself, but STL.

The STL.... the thing that drove me from C++ in the first place with its horrible non-portable implementations due to non-standardized name-munging amongst different compilers. (Note: I'm sure this situation improved from the date(s) I'm referencing, but even the thought of the STL brings back old nightmares)

And my most recent forays with C/C++ were thankfully STL free, as it was mostly straight C code, or merely linking into C code.

Comment Re:Would have stuck with VHS (Score 1) 129

and witness the industrywide switch from HD DVD to Blu-ray Disc when the latter offered region locking and stronger DRM (BD+, ROM Mark, and lack of rich menus on non-AACS discs).

Um, none of that had anything to do with it. It was Sony mortgaging itself to the hilt and selling 49% of Sony Pictures to pay Fox to stay BD exclusive and Paramount to be BD exclusive as well as the end cap exclusivity agreements with Target and BlockBuster and others that caused the tipping point. Until Christmas 2007, HD-DVD was still ahead technically: HD-DVD players existed and executed stated features while BD was "wait until the next release" and pulled a Microsoft, always late and under delivering. Also consider that the PS3 was by far the majority of "BD Player" sales. It's estimated that the PS3 cost Sony over $3B in losses by including a nearly free BD player, take it for what it's worth. Had MS included HD-DVD in its XBox for "free" like Sony did with BD...

In any case, this is all history now, and Sony is still suffering losses, may they continue. (Sony deserves its losses, and BD is by far the weakest reason, although perhaps the biggest contributor) We at least thank HD-DVD for pushing region codes out of the mainstream, BDs still do not enforce region codes like DVDs do.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 602

No. Everyone has the inherent natural right to be safe from murder/rape/robbery.

Technically, society has decided that we have those rights. There are no "natural" rights, other than survival of the fittest, per nature.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 602

So you have a fire department that protects your house, do you pay the full cost of the fire house and the full pay of the firemen?...for the roads you travel on?

When you go to the deli or the auto mechanic you pay the full cost of the goods you buy...

Since you do not pay for the full costs of the first 2, you will not pay for the full costs at the deli nor the auto mechanic, as both are subsidized in the same way you are for the first 2 and whole set of other services (water, sewage, etc).

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