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Comment Re:what stuns me (Score 2) 509

I'm all for the balanced opinion. Not everyone is going to agree... However, you can't have a "balanced opinion" if members of the committee are completely ignorant of what they're making decisions about and rather than put effort into learning and understanding, they spend all their time denigrating and belittling.

Comment what stuns me (Score 5, Insightful) 509

What stuns me is that someone that ignorant of the process and so critical of science in the first place, can get themselves put on the Science Space and Technology committee in the first place. You couldn't have picked a worse group of persons to make budgetary decisions about our countries science future. They might as well just go ahead and deny all science spending, kill NASA, DOE, NSF and NIH, and call it a day.

Comment Re:"needs to end" (Score 1) 291

I frankly think everyone will be best served by SpaceX, Orbital and Boeing stepping up and providing commercial access to space. My point with respect to the current administration is that they failed to push an alternative that was viable. SLS is not viable; or, it might be better to state that the hypothetical Falcon X Heavy with the next generation 1.5 M lb thrust engines would be more viable than SLS. The Obama administration isn't pushing anything... Not really. Not SLS. Not Commercial. Nothing. Congress hasn't helped by cutting funding; but, the current fiscal climate forces them to cut something and NASA (and all science) looks like low hanging fruit since the Obama administration won't fight cuts there vigorously.

Comment Re:Biggest saving is... (Score 2) 193

If you RTFA you would have seen that a sizeable fraction of their staff had both a desktop and a laptop, and will only be receiving a chromebook as a replacement. Some workers will be updated to Windows 7 machines where they have applications that are not available in web based or Citrix based environments.

Comment Re:"needs to end" (Score 3, Informative) 291

I hope you're referring to Bush Jr. because he's the one who signed the order to kill and dismantle the Shuttle program. The current administration has failed by not producing a viable alternative and pushing the agenda forward. I personally think they're sitting on their hands, on purpose, waiting for commercial manned spaceflight to fill the role.

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