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Comment Re:Hardware isn't Progressing (Score 1) 554

Yes, they can't mess with the minimum requirements, else desktop linux becomes the only choice for that PC that you prefer not to get rid of yet.

Besides, a 1ghz intel performs better than a dual core arm tablet with the same freq, in the real world use. I have seen better games on a 166mhz than a 1ghz phone but it's a software/developer skill problem.

Comment Re:Stallman would be proud (Score 5, Insightful) 208

Moron: Yeah I wanna redistribute your software but not abide to the license it comes with it, because it's not freedom enough! I mean, give my source modification to everybody who asks? Avoid patenting and so effectively closing up the work you intended for the world? Why should I do that?

Dev: how about you write your own damn code and license it as you please? And I suppose you are perfecly fine when your own licenses are being ignored?

Comment Re:About Time (Score 1) 173

Missed that an a fuckton of other stuff. OTOH, all scientific stuff can be discovered from the inside, so why should a sacred text bother. To become more believable? But any cult can be based on scientific facts, and it probably has done since some clever guy figured out the eclipses and wore a cape and told people to do X so that the sun might return. And, whatever the sacred text proclaim in the domain of a god remains unprovable, a god intervening in the universe is indistinguishable from a sufficiently powerful impostor.

Comment Re:Long/Short comment (Score 1) 253

But android is getting more and more dependent on online services (Export import contacts or notes in a file? use of device as usb storage without funky protocols? dev tools non free?) and the other major OSes were not free in the first place. App ecosystems resemble the shareware scene of the 90s with all its good and bad effects.

That means that if marketing decides you can bloat the thing to make people buy newer phones you can do it.

So specs may matter.

Comment Re:Bad idea. (Score 1) 101

The IT market is based on incompatibility so fragmentation helps. Google, unofficially, can't care less, they are winning against apple, they basically have the mobile equivalent of windows plus crippleware.
Luckily the free software movement helps against this abomination, but the battle will be everlasting.

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