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Comment Re:Interestingly enough... (Score 2) 612

*If* is always foremost. *If* time came into being. Math describes reality, it does not a thing more in terms of reality. Just because one can imagine something and then craft math to describe said imagining in no way means what is described is real. That's a big part of the recursion mentioned, many math people seem to believe that the math creates the reality.

Comment Re:Webster's (Score 1) 126

Considering the plethora of "Original source unknown" descriptions

Plethora? Eight out of fifty-two is a plethora? We have different meanings for that word, I guess. When only one seventh of the photos on that page have not (yet) been identified as not being shot by the people claiming the work as theirs, I'm not that concerned that there's anyone other than Brett and Jizelle doing anything bogus. Wedding photogs are notoriously persnickety about retaining control of their photos, even from the bride and groom much less from other wedding photogs.

Comment Re:get rid of salary pay / make it have a high lev (Score 1) 477

I worked contract for decades. You are not exempt as a contractor, you contract for specific hours and declare specific charges for overtime. They may ask, but they can't make. It's a contract; you can always walk, you can always sue and they know it. If you worked free overtime, it was nobody's fault but yours.

Comment I had deaf friends. (Score 5, Insightful) 510

And yes, they were adamantly supportive of the view that "for many Deaf people, every implanted child is a person stolen from their culture." But, keeping in mind that "More than 90 percent of deaf children are born to hearing parents", they are effectively laying claim to other people's children.

Comment Re:diminished placebo effect (Score 2) 408

The placebo effect is what happens when a subject thinks what they're taking is real medicine (or curative of some nature) when it's inert instead. If you tell people it's an inert substance, then there is not placebo effect by definition. There is a vast quantity of research into this and yes, it makes a difference.

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