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Comment Carriers (Score 0) 437

I'd blame the carriers, more than the laziness of people. Most of the time, the carrier, for obvious reason, or manufacturer, will delay or not update the device, to talk you into updating to a new device, with the update already installed.

Comment "Reality channel" (Score 0) 166

That is what I call the former history channel...pickers, pawn, axe men, ice road truckers, all that other "non" reality garbage. ONCE in a great while, that will have an actual HISTORY show, but rarely. I knew the jig was up a few years ago when they started saying "history is made everyday" About the only time I tune to that channel, discovery, learning, is when they rerun an old series or by some miracle have something OTHER than this made up so called reality crap.

Comment Bifocal (Score 0) 464

I'm in my mid 50's. I started wearing glasses at 8 years old due to "lazy eye". I made it to 44 before I was forced to wear bifocals. My dad had trouble with progressive bifocals, and I heard a lot of people having problems with them. Since I did a lot of work using a computer screen (volunteer 911 operator for over a dozen years) and personal use of a computer, I went with the standard "line" bifocals. Now, in my mid 50's, what works the best for me is I went to the expense of getting a mechanical swing arm, to mount the monitor. When I'm working with the computer, I keep the monitor around 12-14" away from my face and don't have to do the up down neck thing. Plus, to keep me from being "tunnel vision" focused on one spot, I move the monitor arm a few inches every so often to force my eyes to focus for a different focal length. For me anyway, I find the occurrence of headaches after a prolonged time, a lot less.

Comment Movies are crap (Score 2, Insightful) 400

1. Stop producing part 4,5,6 movies. How about something ORIGINAL 2. CGI & special effects won't negate a POOR SCRIPT. 3. Why would I want to pay that much in a theater (or theatre) for something I can watch on Netflix, Hulu, Redbox a month or two later for almost nothing. 4. With the advent of home theaters (or theatres), I can download/buy/torrent/rent the movie, pop my own popcorn, drink whatever I want, not have to drive to see it. Maybe if the movie "industry" would try to fix 1 & 2, more people would go to see what they produce.

Comment Re: Shut it down (Score -1) 219

Yeah, unlike the billions given to ILLEGAL aliens, wefare queens so they can continue to pop out more & more children. The "welfare" et al budget is many times that of Veterans, military, senior citizens payouts. Both parties in some part stopped long ago doing "the business of the country", and instead, concentrated on doing whatever keeps them in power.

Comment Universal Translator? (Score 0) 150

I live in the USA, so obviously, I speak English, but with the baby steps taken by web translation & computer software, and apps that can now somewhat translate in real time, I would guess in just a few short years, perhaps less than a decade, this might be a moot point as we'll have something similar to a "universal translator" ie: star trek style.

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