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Comment Re: Shut it down (Score -1) 219

Yeah, unlike the billions given to ILLEGAL aliens, wefare queens so they can continue to pop out more & more children. The "welfare" et al budget is many times that of Veterans, military, senior citizens payouts. Both parties in some part stopped long ago doing "the business of the country", and instead, concentrated on doing whatever keeps them in power.

Comment Universal Translator? (Score 0) 150

I live in the USA, so obviously, I speak English, but with the baby steps taken by web translation & computer software, and apps that can now somewhat translate in real time, I would guess in just a few short years, perhaps less than a decade, this might be a moot point as we'll have something similar to a "universal translator" ie: star trek style.

Comment SQUASH THEM! (Score 1) 880

Take them out like the TERRORISTS that they are, least they get a foothold in YOUR country. I don't care which political party, religious affiliation or what their "cause" is, if they take hostages, once you get the hostages out, SQUASH THEM.

Comment What memories (Score 0) 14

Started screwing around with electronics in 6th grade, in 1972 when my teacher brought a crystal radio to school. Went to Radio Shack and bought my first P-Box kit and I think I spent every spare dollar there buying more and more kits to play around with. Went to the library, checked out some books on ohms law, taught myself a bunch of stuff. In my teens, I think my parents thought I was going to blow up the house. I installed 8 track tape decks, car stereos all the time, fixed radios, televisions. Got a job in a television shop when I was 15, worked there through getting a electronics degree, went to work for Texas Instruments for a year, but hated Houston Texas. Built my first computer in the late 80's, got my ham "ticket"...still in the electronics/computer business for the last 34 years. All because a TEACHER, brought a tiny crystal radio to school, and I wanted to know why it worked "without batteries". It's interesting...a couple years ago, that same teacher showed up on Facebook, and I sent him a message telling him thank you...had it not been for him, who knows where or what I would be doing today. He said that was the best compliment he had ever received.

Comment I can see it now (Score 0) 262

Instead of the internet sites "teenage sexy webcams LIVE" There will be "best of" police body cam sites....geez... What it should be, is a 30-60 minute loop. It should work similar to an airplane cockpit voice recorder. Continuously record the last 60 minutes. If something happens, simply have the shift supervisor shut it off. Yeah not perfect, but something like that. You know good and well, if it is SAVED, and something "goes to trial" or something the news media will chop, splice it to fit their agenda, as well as the police, for their agenda.

Comment Impaired is impaired (Score 0) 342

Be it alcohol, legal drugs, illegal drugs, lack of sleep...the term is driving while intoxicated/impaired, or in the case of distracted driving, sleepy driving it's called careless & imprudent. I don't want ANYONE intoxicated/impaired on the road. Once the medical & legal venues sort this out, as they did with alcohol intoxication, one for marijuana can be developed. I don't care if you snort, shoot up, smoke, drink or whatever, but, TAKE A CAB or stay at home.

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