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Comment End up like the scooters (Score 1) 101

A bunch of cities "invested" in scooters that when you are finished with them, you just leave them where they are. I've read a lot of towns are scraping them. These EV charge spots will end up being the same. Until the government FORCES everyone to walk, ride a bicycle, train, bus or buy an EV, pretty much everyone that wanted an EV, has one!

Comment hottest since 1850 (Score 1) 114

No mention of the sunspot cycled the Maunder minimum in the 16-1700's also known as THE LITTLE ICE AGE. 100,200 years of data is NOTHING compared to the age of the Earth. I remember back in the 90's when the "global warming" scare started. The melting ice uncovered a lost civilization in the (I think it was) the Nordic area. Scientist were all over themselves with the discovery. They carbon dated it to around 1200-1400 AD. Not once did anyone say HEY! Wait a minute! How was it so warm back then, that people could live up here where it's been covered in ICE.

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