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Comment Re:Jobs is admired because greed (Score 1, Flamebait) 266

I admire Jobs because he made design, quality and user experience the overriding factors in creating products. And he had the confidence to know that approach would win out in the end. And the taste to be able to personally ensure the company kept on track.

The people who hate jobs are invariably people who don't appreciate design, and think it's just decoration.

Comment Re:Why does Jobs always steal the limelight? (Score 1) 266

Absolutely. If Woz wasn't at the Homebrew Computer Club, Jobs would have recruited someone else, with similar results. There were plenty of other engineers who were capable of single-handedly putting together a microprocessor based computer board at the time.

Comment Re:Perhaps half of us are (Score 0, Troll) 266

The Greek people didn't take out the loans. And the failed austerity programme was forced upon them by the ECB and the IMF.

Now the only sticking point to a deal is that the Greek Government want the rich to pay the debt and ECB and the IMF want the poor to pay. This has now reached a point where the ECB and IMF are attempting regime change by economic bullying, just as the World Ban and the IMF have done in Africa for decades.

If the banks can be bailed out because they are "too big to fail" so can Greece. And if it was a right wing government, it would be.

This is neoliberal warfare.

Comment Re:Virtulize it (Score 1) 66

I quite fancy the idea of programming a game for the BBC micro. I've learned so much since those days, it'd be fun to see what could be done with such a limited machine.

However, I'd want a modern text editor and git. I wouldn't want to go back to using cassette tapes or even 80KB or whatever they were disks.

I guess that probably means using an emulator, at least for the development part. With the odd check that it does work on a real machine.

There's probably a web site about this...

Comment Re:Ask other retro communities (Score 2) 66

This is the UK, where they'll find more engineers with experience fixing BBC Micros than C64s.

They'll certainly get some education support people that maintained BBC Micros for Local Education Authorities. And they may well even get some ex-Acorn engineers - some of them will be retired now, and would be happy to help a museum out preserving something they love.

BTW, one of the neat things about the BBC Micro is that they shipped with a complete circuit diagram for the main board in the back of the manual.

Comment Re:Replacing capacitors... (Score 1) 66

Bit of both with the BBC micro. The main board is double sided with vias. But the PSU board is single sided. And we appear do appear to be talking about the PSU.

Still, the other poster made a worthwhile cautionary note for the general case. All be it in an unnecessarily obnoxious way.

Some info on replacing the caps here:

Comment Re:Cool (Score 1) 191

What you don't appreciate is that there is always a cost to adding UI. If the phone has windowing then there has to be some means of activating it. And that's extra UI. And if that extra UI has to work with the iPhone, then that has implications for how it's implemented on the iPad.

The windowing system on the iPad is really sweet. It uses the dimensions of the screen really well. Why potentially fuck it up for no gain by implementing windowing on iPhone?

What people miss about the essence of good design is it's as much about what you leave out as what you add.

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