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Comment Re:Free as in (Score 1) 198

There are other programs out there. You might not like the price.

I believe Blender is still free.

And, if you don't mind renting your software and do the Adobe CC thing, After Effects includes Cinema 4D Lite which is pretty powerful and included in the price.

Comment Re:inb4 the first actual death (Score 1) 141

Not sure about a homicide, but there have been plenty of instances of people being accosted for using cameras or smartphones to take photos of kids. In many of these instances, the people accused were actually the fathers of the kids in question, but the accusers assumed the worst because Male Taking Photo Of Child = Pervert but Female Taking Photo Of Child = Loving Mother.

Wow, this is like the 3rd reference I've seen of this on this thread.

Is this something people are truly uptight about out there? People actually go and assault people with cameras? What part(s) of the US is this such a problem?

I've just never heard of such a thing, nor of people even noticing someone with a camera, much less getting upset if someone is using it in a public place.

Comment Re:Whatever ... (Score 1) 141

So they have put it in charge of the guy from Nest, who pretty much is running the ship in such a way as to guarantee Google gets analytics about your household.

If they only wanted that, then the best thing they could do is get that household info from Acxiom ...they've been gathering that data on you for decades now. Not bad from a little company that came out of Conway, AR. I think they're still pretty much the definitive source of household (and a lot of other ) info in the US/World.

Comment Re:It has an acronym , so it will fail. (Score 2) 149

Why not do away with English class after the students have gotten to the point that they can write a good paper and require that students write more papers for other classes like science.

The trouble is...in HS and below, we pretty much no longer fail or hold kids back if they don't learn their subjects. There is a reason so many colleges have so many remedial classes for incoming freshmen...English being one of them.

The lack of skills of many incoming Freshmen is atrocious.

Comment Re:How About (Score 2) 224

I'm just glad as hell I grew up before all this tech was so pervasive.

No cell phones meant your parents couldn't track you, and Lordy....I'd have long lost a car if they'd not only tracked me but monitored my speed. UGH!!

At least we were free to be kids back then, and learn from our actions, sure there were some bad times and consequences, but that's a part of growing up!!

So glad there wasn't a fucking camera EVERYWHERE I went as a kid and a teen....

Comment Re:Can't have it both ways (Score 1) 337

Get impaired off the road first and maybe you'll have a point. And by impaired, I mean by distraction (e.g., phones), drugs, or alcohol.

Wow, are you really so afraid of this in regular every day life that this comes to the top of your mind first when reading an article that is so far removed from the topic of impaired driving??

Wow, if so, then I'd advise you to never get behind the wheel of a car after about 6pm till about 6am, as that there are liquored up folks on the road, lots of them.

I mean, when you drive by those numerous bars, wilth large parking lots filled starting at Happy Hour...and at closing time, are empty, well, I'm guessing you can guess that those folks aren't all designated drivers. And hell, don't come live in New Orleans, I mean, we have drive through daiquiri shops and bars give you plastic "to go" cups here to take your drink to go with you....so, you gotta figure many folks are on the road after imbibing.

Comment Re:In Soviet America (Score 2) 97

You know...it is NOT the people trying to cross legally at the border crossings manned by customs agents that are bothering me.

It is the mass of fuckers crossing over illegally that we have NO idea who they are or what they are possibly up to that bother me.

Why not channel all this money into actually making our borders more secure by making them LESS porous?!?!

Hell, dig a mote...make a minefield, let our snipers do training with errant live targets trying to invade our soil illegally.

Ok..so, maybe thats a bit extreme, but seriously....I'm not as afraid of anyone that is trying to come across AT the US customs manned crossing, it is the mass of folks coming over everywhere BUT there that I'm concerned with....spend the money there.

Comment Re:Rift support? (Score 1) 149

I never played Descent 2 quite as much...but the group I worked with during lunches would play Descent 1 every day...often a bit past the 1 hour mark.

Our boss actually moved our group away from most other folks so our yelling and screaming wouldn't disturb them, and well...he wasn't that big a stickler for time clock, as long as we got code work and all done and in on time, he didn't care that much WTF we did.

We played our own maps and took out all the monster so it was just us and weapons respawning.

I'd buy this new game...just hope they keep it true to the old style. I was deadly with a mouse in one hand and keyboard on the other.

Comment Re:Buggy whip makers said automobiles aren't... (Score 1) 451

You sound like a terrible, terrible driver. Why don't you take your toys to the track?

Actually, my driving record of MANY decades would beg to differ with your conclusion. I don't generally bother to look at posted speed limits, no..unless the cops are around or the radar detector goes off. That being said, I drive for what is safe in the current driving conditions. If it is raining, I slow down. If it is a nice road, especially one I'm familiar with, and there is very little to no traffic around me I go as fast as is possibly safe for what my car can handle. I drive based on the conditions around me at that moment in time. I don't care what the posted sign says, I go slower when warranted and go as fast as is safe for me when conditions are right.

Comment Re:Buggy whip makers said automobiles aren't... (Score 1) 451

I might be interested in one when I"m 80 yrs and likely too old to drive.

In the meantime, I prefer to drive my own cars. I've never owned anything but 2-seater performance and sports cars, and I buy them for a reason, they are FUN to drive.

And since they perform better than most other cars on the road, I've been able to use that to avoid other idiots on the road trying to hit me (i.e. better braking, acceleration as needed to get out of other drivers' way that were coming at me).

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