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Comment Re:Word! (Score 2) 113

Seriously, what's wrong with the MS Word .doc format? Feature complete, stable, lots of free implementations.

Because it's not feature complete (otherwise Microsoft wouldn't keep adding features), it's not stable, and the free implementations aren't completely compatible.

data archiving format in 500 years; but wouldn't be surprised if a good old-fashioned .doc works just fine.

You can have trouble opening a .doc from a few years ago......

Comment Re:So what's wrong with systemd, really? (Score 1) 385

Now go tell it to the 100,000s, programmers out there who actually build complex systems.

I don't have to, I do build complex systems.

Essentially, you need proper separation of concerns, otherwise your system will become too unwieldy to handle. That is the basic principle here, and on the surface, it seems like systemD is violating it. As a result, systemD eventually will become a mess (if it hasn't already). Maybe the surface appearance is deceiving, sometimes that happens.

Seriously though, if all you want is an easier way to read through logs, why not just get splunk?

Comment Re:Reporting bias? (Score 1) 460

I'm going based on what the paper says here. It seems not all the questions asked were listed in the primary paper. Quote:

Such behaviors aimed at men originated primarily from peers, whereas such behaviors aimed at women primarily originated from individuals the respondent identified as superior to them in the field site professional hierarchy (Figure 2B).

Comment Re:lets pump the brakes here and analyze. (Score 1) 165

-your assertion that the 'kurd lobby' drives international geopolitics

Start here. Kurdistan doesn't drive international geopolitics, they lobby to get their little piece of it.

your assertion that the U.S. didnt get involved in syria

If you'd like me to clarify, it was a A reference to this event. I don't know if you remember those events. Putin managed to solve it without the US using violence. Obama very clearly did not want to get any more involved in Syria.

your whole 'mainland attack' notion.

What are you saying here, do you think both of the world trade center attacks were a conspiracy theory or something?

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