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Comment Re:The eventual redefinition of "privacy" and the (Score 1) 89

I also feel that happened when President Obama ran in 2008.

HAHAHAno. He's just another member of the ruling elite. Is there any question, after having dispatched Hilary Clinton (of the "old" ruling elite), yet bringing her on board as SoS? And now the proles are clamoring for Hilary in 2016. How about his refusal to admit mistakes-- personified by the continued presence of Holder as AG?

Comment 500 Watts? Unlikely (Score 1) 394

I don't expect every end-user to be knowledgeable on electronic devices, but I do expect people who write these articles to be. That woman was probably reading the label on the power supply, which likely is capable of delivering 500W but the cable box is unlikely to consume that much. You're looking at an embedded processor that's a system-on-a-chip or close to it, support components (at most, video and ethernet), a small fan, a small phosphor display and, at most, two hard disks. We're talking 200W.

I've probably wasted too much time on this already, because the very next line of the article says "35 watts", which I think is actually far too low.

Comment Re:republican voters? (Score 2) 422

This isn't what is happening. Please stop attacking your Archie Bunker straw man. I, for example, would be OK with allowing just about ANYONE here as long as they are documented, aren't seriously ill, and either have a job waiting or valuable job skills. Children of legal citizens or people with green cards, of course, are also OK.

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