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Comment Question for Seattle (Score 1) 385

Politicians and activists are so good at ignoring unintended consequences.

Where are people supposed to keep all these separate bins in their kitchen? My count says they have four: paper products, aluminum/plastic (hopefully these can be commingled), unrecyclable plastics/cloth, food scraps. This doesn't even address the bins you have to have to hold "hazardous items", like your batteries, fluorescent bulbs, paint, etc. in other areas of your home.

How do they separate this "compost" stuff from the plastic bags you have to keep it in? Or do they expect people to keep vermin-encrusted bins in their home?

What's the answer?

Comment Re:The campfire gave rise to two things (Score 1) 89

I'm not sure why you decided to be the poo-flinging primate in this discussion, but acting as if there are no facts behind the Bible is utter nonsense and anti-intellectual. I'm not asking you to believe that Elijah was carried up in a flaming chariot, but to realize that most of the people, places, and events recorded have been corroborated by archaeology and contemporary sources. Meanwhile, when you make sweeping statements like "isn't a single tale of religion that is substantiated by facts", it sets a pretty low bar for people to dismiss you.

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