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Comment No fool like an old fool (Score 1) 894

The Pope, like most leaders, thinks his wisdom is boundless and intelligence such that he had insights no one else has had. The fact is, the champions of freedom of expression realize that it's perilous to label any speech as forbidden, as the slide into tyranny is inevitable. The problem is, any zealot can decide your words are worse than insulting his mother. And any zealot can decide that killing people is a reasonable response. Perhaps it's because this pope is not as learned as his predecessor. I find it hard to believe that Benedict XVI would not realize that several core beliefs of Christianity are mother-slandering to Muslims. For example, the divinity of Jesus and the Holy Trinity. The Qur'an says, "There is no god but Allah" and that he has no son. The Qur'an also denies that Jesus dies on the cross. Any of these beliefs are blasphemy to Islam. So, Your Eminence, shall we deny the Bible's mission to spread the Gospel, so as not to offend?

Comment Re:My guess (Score 1) 130

Those are stupid, penny-pinching companies. A 7 year old computer indeed, does not, do what you need it to due to increasing requirements of new software and security patches. After 5 years, a computer is completely depreciated for tax purposes. While this doesn't make the new computer free, it now can be written off. Companies run by bean counters, instead, look at the costs of the new hardware and staff needed to deploy them and decide to give the CxOs a bonus instead.

Comment Re:Not a problem (Score 2) 393

What you have said is a flat out lie. The ACA came out of a Senate finance committee that was all Democrats and liberal Republicans-- mostly Democrats-- and was passed without a single vote from a Republican in a Democrat-controlled congress.

Did something resembling it appear from the Heritage Foundation? Yes, and it was a bad idea then. But a sketchy proposal from a "Republican think-tank" is not the same as legislation from elected representatives.

Comment Re:Not a problem (Score 1) 393

Romney explained that he felt his plan only worked on the state level. In other words, if every state did what he did, administered it within in each state, and tailored it for its citizens, he would be OK with it. You can decide he lied, but the fact is that he never once claimed it would work on a federal level. There are also several parts of the Massachusetts health care law that he vetoed, but the Democrats unilaterally (because they controlled the legislature) reinstated.

FWIW, I'm not even fond of this on the state level. But at least, when states do it by definition it is limited in scope and subject to greater influence by the people subjected to it.

Comment Flawed methodology (Score 1) 154

The results from this experiment are misleading, but to be fair it's a hypothesis that might be flat out untestable. I think we'd need a number of deaf-mutes to perform this study, because language is itself a tool, so asking a person who relies on this tool to work without it is like asking a craftsman to create something without his.

Comment Re:1980s? (Score 3, Insightful) 180

Everything the author wrote was accurate, although misleading. He wrote, "In the 80s, you might have used an 8-bit CPU." You also might have used a 16, 24, 32, or 36 bit CPU.

He wrote, "introduced to x86 since the early 80s include paging / virtual memory, pipelining, and floating point." We know that some platforms had some of these features earlier than x86, but he was speaking to those who had been programming on the x86 platform. Of course, this ignores the x87 math coprocessor, but I digress.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
