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Comment Re:Text columns that are too wide (Score 1) 382

What should browsers have done instead to unbreak body text width on an MF website?

Well, if a narrow text body is desired, the browser should break the text to make it narrow. That's something that really shouldn't be done at the server side.

because the operating system forces it (such as a mobile device docked to an HDMI monitor)

Talking about broken...

Comment Re:case in point (Score 1) 382

I'd disagree. Media queries are exactly the tool created for that use, and there is no immediate reason for not using them (if you have a deeper reason, I'd say that's a bug, please report it).

Then for the example you used... All browsers (except maybe for IE) improve with time, and do that fast. If you fall into the schema of detecting the browser instead of testing for the capability, your site will become outdated.

Comment Re:everything you can't disprove is true (Score 1) 433

After all we have no particular reason to believe the more concise theories are more "true", only more convenient/useful.

Science is conveniently moving from a "let's find the Truth" to "let's get a usefull result" for a while now. You'll still not see most scientists explicitly agree that they are not looking for Truth anymore, but almost no one in interested in dealing with all the problems that come once you try to look for it.

Comment Re:disparate (Score 1) 201

Both of these have the same cause: you can get a low-end Android device, but not a low-end iDevice.

Yet, there are more high-end Android devices out there than "single sized" iDevices. If they buy just as much, Android should get the biggest share.

SOME correlation does not require exraordinary evidence. In fact, I quite expect it. That correlation reported here does require extraordinary evidence.

Comment Re:disparate (Score 1) 201

If you're trying to advertise and encourage people to buy stuff, it makes sense to know who's going to buy things and how they're willing to buy them.

Is that because you'll want to optimize your sales to those other people that aren't converting?

Because that's the only action that makes any sense. The hypotesis that people's preference of phone model has that huge correlation on willingness to buy anything requires extraordinary evidence, and people pushing for it with just this study can not be serious.

Comment Re:but what about cheap disk? (Score 1) 267

HDD and tape do not use electric charge. They use spin orientation, what is much more stable, and self sustaining. Flash do use charges, and optical disk, chemical reactions. Theoreticaly, spin orientation is the most stable of those options.

By the way, where is the phase change memory IBM was promissing us 15 years ago? Moving atoms full nanometers from their original position... that would be stable.

Comment Re:To hire specific people (Score 1) 465

Well, let me call bulshit, not exactly over your points, but over the entire thread.

The specialist you choosed to hire simply does not exist, because no other place use the same set of utilities that you use. When you post those requisites, you'll simply flter the liars and people that think they know everything. The benefit you get for hiring the generalist is that you got a person that can actualy do the work.

The generalist that is now specialized at working in your company can't use his education for getting into a better job, because the trainning he did was specific for your place and does not apply anywhere else. No other place uses the exact same set of utilities that you use. That does not mean that he won't live for a better salary - he will, because once you hire him you'll refuse to correct his salary for inflation and seniority, assuring the result.

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