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Comment ultimately, government collusion/apathy (Score 2) 193

The fact is that if they were aggressively and rigorously prosecuted, this wouldn't be an attractive business. As it is, they're assuming that they'll get away with it.

Personally, I invite anyone looking for a vigilante-cause to hunt down and kill some people, this would be a great subject. It doesn't have to be the LAW that punished these guys, to de-incentivize the whole industry.

I mean hell, by RIAA-caliber math, aside from their actual fraudulent scams, 86 million scam calls x 12 months x say 3 minutes per call average (to count the time it takes to get up out of my chair) = nearly 6000 person-years consumed annually just in time wasted. Assuming a median income of 26k per capita, this is nearly $160 million annually wasted.

Comment Re:And so the cycle of "reform" continues (Score 1) 851

Which, in a rational person would make them circumspect of categorical assertions, particularly if whatever crap they're promulgating impacts HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people.

Yet government will cheerfully spit out new 'recommendations' (likely as not born of lobbyist funds as even best-intentioned policy), without much regard for the unintended consequences.

Comment Re:Other reasons (Score 1) 306

"You started at $40,000 if you had a degree in anything business. medical, or science related back then."

Simply, bullshit.

I graduated from high school in 1986, college (u of mn) in 1990 with a degree in international relations, with minors in German, geography, and European area studies, all of which at the time were considered desirable (if non specific) subjects. Minimum wage at the time was, iirc $4.25/hr. I started my first career level job in international business (specifically logistics) at $20k. I was delighted to make more than my age around age 27-28?

  To suggest that $40k jobs were falling like manna is just complete nonsense.

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