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Comment Re:SpaceX (Score 1) 73

The intent (not with the Falcon but with later rockets) is for it not to splash down at all but land vertically back on a launch pad. You can then use a crane to put a new second stage on it, bolt it all back together, refuel and relaunch. ... that's the goal at least. We're still a long way from that.

Comment Re:NHTSA pushed a 5 star rating (Score 1) 627

You mean like non-nuke submarines... which use electric while underwater and disel whie on the surface where they can get access to an air supply? Sure it's different batteries (which don't explode when exposed to water...) but your argument doesn't exactly hold a lot of weight. Now I would like to see a flood test where they run it into a river and see if it explodes.

Comment Re:So from here on out ... (Score 3, Insightful) 2416

That was the point of the other half of the mandate ruling. The government doesn't have the power to compell you to engage in commerce. They do however have the power to tax you and then give you a tax break for engaging in said commerce. You can feel free to not get health insurance. You just don't get the tax break that having health insurance gets you.

Comment Re:Germany here. 1GB = 9.90€. Prepaid. (Score 1) 376

People are complaining over the $50 for the first GB but don't bother to look at the $100/10GB and $10/2GB block after that. That's $10/GB for the first 10 and then $5/GB after that. Once you're into that tier it's cheaper than the europian plans. The ones getting screwed are the ones who only use 2-3 GB/month.

Comment Re:Great but... (Score 1) 467

He does do one function but I'm also worried that this won't scale well in modern programing. It does however lend itself very well to functional programing (as opposed to object oriented).

Comment Re:In THIS house... (Score 1) 502

A couple of us went over the math on Reddit and it turns out there's a hole in the infinate loop here. It's close - real close - to an over unity device but it doens't quite make it. That said being able to make use of quantum level particle motion to produce light is still an amazing feat of science.

Comment Re:Isn't that kind of the point? (Score 1) 522

Yes but there is still data that can be extracted from the keys if you can get them. That said I'm sure they're zeroized long before anyone got to the crash site. The hardware on the other hand is still well into the TS levels of classified. DOD doesn't want it getting out exactly what hardware is used for the communications on those things since that's by far the most vulnerable aspect of drones (remote control).

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