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Comment wtf (Score 1) 280

They don't contribute to GNOME. They don't contribute to the kernel. They didn't create any of the apps they ship with, like libre office, firefox, rhythmbox. They don't give shit to the FSF. Why should I donate to them? So they can use the money campaigning towards getting more binary drivers and proprietary apps on their store?

Comment consumer (Score 1) 405

If youre just looking to upgrade your gaming rig or even your own personal machine, why not? I mean does it really have to be that thought-out for these instances? It's obvious SSD has been created by hopefully intelligent engineers in fortune 500 tech companies, and like everything else tech, their job is to progress to bigger and better things (mostly while reducing/controlling heat). Fuck yeah I'm gonna get one if I have the money. For work that is just a different matter. Research and show the numbers to whoever, but for my own personal box, there are better things to worry about. I'm not building a huge infrastructure. If you are, by all means research, it's your money.

Comment This is nothing new (Score 2, Interesting) 296

Ubuntu/Canonical has been the worst type of Karma whores since the beginning. They built a following by pimping the philosophy of freedom, only to abandon these ideals once the foundation was set. They have enouraged people to accept non-free video and wireless drivers, while companies like RedHat have tried to work with Vendors and educate folks about why this is a bad thing. Now with their app store with non-free projects; they've even undone this feat with kneeling towards Redmond (secureboot). I know not all Linux users care about freedom, but it is sad how even prominent linux users feel like they've accomplished something by getting their local school or whatever to use Ubuntu. People may complain about the free software philosophy all they want, but soon if Ubuntu continues, its going to be a much lesser degree of the early iterations of Windows with lots of propreitary-ness with bits and pieces of freedom (Windows started out using some BSD code). tl:dr Shuttleworth and Canonical are hypocrites and karmawhores.

Comment Re:I wish them luck. (Score 1) 178

I'm not a FreeBSD user, but I do know they spent some four maybe six years rewritting the kernel because they wanted better SMP. No, this does not make instantly "fucking incredible" like I said, but tracing the history back to grad students at Berkley decades following with some really smart developers, and following their release notes; no I haven't read the kernel source, but their major focus for half a decade was SMP support.

Comment Re:I wish them luck. (Score 2) 178

I haven't seen a troll like this in a long time. Cut and paste doesn't work? I spend the last 4 months of school doing vmware with RHEL and backtrack with a win7 host, and had no problems copying and pasting between any of these. Also, I just bought a 15" dell monitor off craigslist yesterday and running stock Debian 6 on a Thinkpad T60, plugged it in and it did mirroring 100% correctly. Tell MythTV users sound doesn't work reliably. Five guis are a mess? Do you listen to Tween Wave? If I apt-get source foobar I can build any debian package on my server and install it on my desktop. Documentation is worthless? The GNU Emacs Reference manual is like 1000+ pages. Any package which lacks a man page is a bug in Debian. Getting help online a problem? No one *owes* you help. Does your employer get free Windows tech support?

Comment Re:I wish them luck. (Score 0) 178

Separate point. I'm not saying that GNU/Linux isn't growing at all. But you are grossly misinformed if you think BSD isn't growing. OpenSSH is the most widely used open source software, FreeBSD is huge in the embedded market, UFS/2 is just an awesome bazillion-year old file system which still rocks (ZFS is cool too but it's not really "from" BSD), FreeBSD's SMP support is fucking incredible. If you think FreeBSD+ZFS or OpenSSH is going away anytime soon, then apparently we have a different definition of progress. I guess soon TCP/IP stack is going away.

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