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Open Source

How To Find the Right Open Source Project To Get Involved With 57

An anonymous reader writes Writing on Opensource.com, Matt Micene shares his thoughts on getting started with an open source project. "I came back from OSCON this year with a new fire to contribute to an open source project. I've been involved in open source for years, but lately I've been more of an enthusiast-evangelist than a hands-on-contributor to an open source community. So, I started some thinking about what to do next. When I was involved in projects before, it was due to a clear progression from user to forum guru to contributor. It's a great path to take but what do you do if you just want to jump into something?" Matt goes on to lay out several steps to help new contributors get started.

Comment Re:Change Jobs (Score 1) 275

I take the opposite view - when I see version control, bug tracking, and automated testing, it sets off alarm bells that a company is in the compartmentalization downslide.

I'd be interested to hear what kind of company you'd work for that doesn't use any of these tools. I'm sure that would make for an interesting story, especially where not even version control is used.

Comment Re:Does Learning Mechanical Engineering Outweigh . (Score 1) 546

Maybe the problem is the definition of 'code'. Is is just cobbling together bytes that seem as if they want to fit together, trying to fit the round piece in the square hole until you realize that may be the wrong way to do things? Or is it the same as programming, which should involve a plan and design and a deeper understanding of the problem and possible solutions? 'Code' certainly sounds a lot more like "I hacked together something and it even works!" than 'programming'....

Comment It depends on the actual person (Score 1) 546

Just my $0.02:

I've met all kinds: self-taught (for the most part what I am), university educated with varying levels of degree and anything in between. I've seen lots of people with high level degrees who were totally useless as soon as actual code was involved, but I've also met the other kind, highly intelligent people with degrees that at the same time were able and especially willing to use what they had to craft superb code.

If you want to learn to program and do actual work instead of just meditating about computing theory or fiddling with database concepts, you will. In the end, you must want to learn it, you must be interested, and you have to be a practical girl or boy, interested in getting into the thick of it and getting your hands 'dirty'.

IMHO, whether you get a degree or not has nothing to do with that.

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